An absolutely bare-minimum sdk, using zero dependencies, for consuming PythV2 prices generated by the Pyth Solana Receiver.
Take a Pyth Price Feed Account as an UncheckedAccount
. Here is example of this type of account on mainnet:
pub struct Some_Instruction<'info> {
/// CHECK: You may also want to validate `owner = PYTH_PID`
pub price_acc: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
Then simply borrow the data, minus the 8-byte Anchor discrminator:
let data = &ctx.accounts.price_acc.try_borrow_data()?[..][8..];
let price_v2 = PriceUpdateV2::get_price_update_v2_from_bytes(data);
let price = price_v2.get_price_no_older_than(
MAXIMUM_AGE, // in seconds
None, // Pass the feed ID in bytes if you want to validate it
Or if you absolutely do not care about any verification whatsoever:
We suggest you validate the discriminator (see DISCRIMINATOR_AS_HEX
) unless you are absolutely sure this is the correct account!