Rascore is a tool for analyzing structures of the RAS protein family (KRAS, NRAS, and HRAS). In addition, Rascore can be used to build an updatable database of all available RAS structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) with their catalytic switch 1 (SW1) and switch 2 (SW2) loops conformationally classified and their molecular contents annotated (e.g., mutation status, nucleotide state, bound protein, inhibitor site).
Details of our work are provided in the Cancer Research paper, Delineating The RAS Conformational Landscape. We hope that researchers will use Rascore to gain novel insights into RAS biology and drug discovery.
A continually updated version of the Rascore database is hosted at http://dunbrack.fccc.edu/rascore/ or https://rascore.streamlitapp.com.
Quickstart commands for environment setup with Anaconda:
conda create -n rascore_env python=3.8
conda activate rascore_env
pip install rascore
conda install -c conda-forge -c schrodinger pymol-bundle=2.5.2
conda install -c conda-forge fpocket=4.0.0
(Additional for macOS: pip install PyQt5)
Note. Must activate Anaconda enironment with command "conda activate rascore_env" before running.
rascore -classify [path to coordinate files] -out [output directory path]
- Coordinate files must be provided in mmCIF or PDB formats and numbered according to UniProt scheme. The following inputs are possible:
- Space-separated list
- Line-separated list file
- Tab-separated table file with columns core_path (coordinate path), modelid (optional, model number), chainid (chain identifier), nucleotide_class (optional, nucleotide state)
rascore -build [optional, path to pdbaa file] -out [output directory path]
- Takes 1 hour to build from scratch and requires 3 GB of storage.
rascore -gui [optional, path to the Rascore database directory] -out [output directory path]
Please feel free to contact us with any issues, comments, or questions.
- Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
- GitHub: https://github.com/mitch-parker
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub: https://github.com/DunbrackLab
- NIH NIGMS F30 GM142263 (to M.P.)
- NIH NIGMS R35 GM122517 (to R.D.)
Apache License 2.0
Copyright (c) 2022 Mitchell Isaac Parker