image-ghost is a tool that you can easily resize images. It has compatibility to jpeg, png, etc. image-ghost can be executed from command or api. Also, if you have a json, you can resize multiple image in bulk.
First download and install GraphicsMagick. In Mac OS X, you can simply use Homebrew and do:
brew install graphicsmagick
yarn global add @eq-inc/image-ghost
imageghost-resize -w 290 ./readPath/imgs/dummy.png ./exportPath/image.png
or --width
Width for render image.
or --height
Height for render image.
or --percent
Rendering at the referenced ratio.
or --format
Format for render image. png or jpeg can be specified.
or --version
Show version.
or --help
Show help.
imageghost-task ./readPath/task.json
if you want to run as multiple, you need to have json like the following.
"src": "test/imgs/test.png", // src path is target.
"dest": "test/imgs/export/test.png",
"percent": 50 // in this case, image will be create with 50 percent.
"src": "test/imgs", // if src is directory, images will be create each to dest path.
"dest": "test/imgs/export", // This image is created according to this path.
"width": 50 // Either width or height is necessary.
"src": "test/imgs/test.png",
"dest": "test/imgs/export", // images will be create in this directory.
"height": 150,
"extension": "png", // you can specify png, jpeg, etc.
"filename": "{{ basename }}{{height}}.{{ extension}}" // filename is image name after resizing and basename is src image name.
"src": "test/imgs",
"dest": "test/imgs/export",
"percent": 85,
"extension": "jpg", // you can specify png, jpeg, etc.
"filename": "{{ basename }}{{percent}}.{{ extension}}"
Directory path before resizing. it means target dest property full path.
Image name including extension before resizing.
Image name not including extension before resizing.
Extension is before resize image extension.
Width. if there is no designation, It is converted to empty string.
Height. if there is no designation, It is converted to empty string.
Percent. if there is no designation, It is converted to empty string.
yarn add image-ghost
image_ghost.resize(path[, option][, callback])
<string> | <Buffer> Filepath or File Buffer.
- width <Number> Width for render image.
- height <Number> Height for render image.
- percent <Number> Rendering at the referenced ratio.
you can specify width/height or percent.
<Function> you can give callback function promise or not promise. if you do running function, image buffer will be returned.
const fs = require('fs'),
image_ghost = require('@eq-inc/image-ghost'),
image = fs.readFileSync('./image.jpg'),
options = {
width: 640
// Promise
image_ghost.resize(image, options).then(function (result) {
fs.writeFileSync('./resized.jpg', result);
// Callback
image_ghost.resize(image, options, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
fs.writeFileSync('./resized.jpg', result);