cat-dog-mouse classifier hybrid of the following tutorial and repository:
tensorboard --logdir=Data/Checkpoints/./logs
- Input Data Shape: 64x64x3
Layer 1:
Convolutional Layer 32 filter Filter shape: 3x3
Activation Function: ReLu
Max Pooling Pool shape: 2x2
Layer 2:
Convolutional Layer 32 filter Filter shape: 3x3
Activation Function: ReLu
Max Pooling Pool shape: 2x2
Layer 3:
Convolutional Layer 64 filter Filter shape: 3x3
Activation Function: ReLu
Max Pooling Pool shape: 2x2
Dense Size: 64
Activation Function: ReLu
Dropout Rate: 0.5
Dense Size: 2
Activation Function: Sigmoid
If you want to add new dataset to datasets, you create a directory and rename what you want to add category (like 'cat' or 'phone').
If you want to add a new training image to previously category datasets, you add a image to about category directory and if you have npy
files in Data
folder delete npy_train_data
Note: We work on 64x64 image also if you use bigger or smaller, program will automatically return to 64x64.
- Used Python Version: 3.6.9
- tensorflow version 2.0.1
- Install necessary modules with
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt