This plugin is used to track your maintenance contracts. it allows you to create versions that are dedicated to contracts with a limited time to complete. This plugin can be used for contract management: maintenance, web-mastering, support …
Navigate to your {REDMINE_ROOT}/plugins and git clone git://
After the repo is cloned run the following tasks on your {REDMINE_ROOT}:
= bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=version_time_control RAILS_ENV=production
Restart your redmine and navigate to Administration > Plugins for configuration options
To make the plugin work, you must add two custom fields on versions. {REDMINE_ROOT}/custom_fields
A Boolean field to activate the plugin or name
An integer field to the maximum time contract
Once the plugin is installed, go to the plugin administration : {REDMINE_ROOT}/admin/plugins to configure the reference fields.
All feedback and contributions are welcome. Simply issue a pull request or create a new issue.
“version time control” is maintained by trium-agency :