Terraform Repo for the Alfresco in the shared VPC
Alfresco external - alfresco.dev.alfresco.probation.hmpps.dsd.io
Alfresco external - https://alfresco.dev.delius-core.probation.hmpps.dsd.io
Alfresco external - https://alfresco.test.delius.probation.hmpps.dsd.io
Alfresco external - alfresco.pre-prod.delius.probation.hmpps.dsd.io
Alfresco external - https://alfresco.probation.service.justice.gov.uk
A makefile has been created to orchestrate the container locally using docker-compose
start -> make start
stop -> make stop
reload env vars -> make restart or make start
plan -> make local_plan
apply -> make local_apply
get configs -> make get_configs
get utils -> make get_utils
Bucket name: tf-eu-west-2-hmpps--remote-state
The deployer key is stored in AWS Parameter store
terragrunt output ssh_private_key_pem
Container repo hmpps-engineering-tools
To run the container please run the following steps
Ensure hmpps-engineering-platform-terraform is cloned into the current directory
Provide the docker container with the following environment variables
cd to the directory above this repo, replace 'hmpps-token' in the command below with one of your own, and run
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd)/hmpps-delius-alfresco-shared-terraform:/home/tools/data \
-v ~/.aws:/home/tools/.aws \
-e AWS_PROFILE=hmpps-token \
hmpps/terraform-builder:latest bash
Once in the container, run
source env_configs/dev.properties
Now navigate to the directory for your configuration (e.g. service-jenkins-eng) and run terragrunt commands as normal?
terragrunt plan -detailed-exitcode --out ${TG_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE}.plan
terragrunt apply ${TG_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE}.plan
A python script has been written up: docker-run.py.
The script takes arguments shown below:
python docker-run.py -h
usage: docker-run.py [-h] --env ENV --action {apply,plan,test,output}
[--component COMPONENT] [--token TOKEN] [--repo REPO]
[--branch BRANCH]
terraform docker runner
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--env ENV target environment
--action {apply,plan,test,output}
action to perform
--component COMPONENT
component to run task on
--token TOKEN aws token for credentials
--repo REPO git repo for env configs, defaults to hmpps-env-
--branch BRANCH git repo branch for env configs, defaults to master
When running locally provide the token argument:
python docker-run.py --env dev --action test --token hmpps-token
When running in CI environment:
python docker-run.py --env dev --action test
Script scripts/aws-get-temp-creds.sh has been written up to automate the process of generating the creds into a file env_configs/inspec-creds.properties
sh scripts/generate-terraform-outputs.sh
sh scripts/aws-get-temp-creds.sh
source env_configs/inspec-creds.properties
inspec exec ${inspec_profile} -t aws://${TG_REGION}
export AWS_PROFILE=hmpps-token
source env_configs/dev.properties
rm -rf env_configs/inspec-creds.properties
Below is the procedure to perform the Alfresco Database restore on the RDS Postgres DB. The restore is performed from Jenkins pipeline. The pipeline will standup a docker container: mojdigitalstudio/hmpps-base-psql. The docker container will then run a script which will start the restore process dry run, then will do an actual restore after approval. Script location is hmpps-delius-alfresco-shared-terraform/scripts/alfresco_db_restore.sh. The script will collect the restore file (*.sql) from S3 buckets to the container, then will perform the restore to RDS from the container. Below are the steps to follow:
For each env requiring Alfresco data restore, env configs are required. This file will contain the name of the Source S3 bucket where the data to restore will be stored and the name of the sql file to restore. The files are located here: hmpps-delius-alfresco-shared-terraform/alf_env_configs/. If the file for the env you intend to restore is not present, then one should be created before proceeding with the restore.
Destroy the running Alfresco instances or ensure tomcat is not running on the Alfresco instances. There should be no connections to the RDS db during the data restore.
Run the Alfresco-db-restore pipeline for the env. This can be found under DAMS > Environments > ${env name} > Alfresco. The pipeline will ask for confirmation before it proceeds the steps to restore the DB.
After successful restore, stand up the Alfresco instances. Ensure tomcat is running on the EC2 instance and check /usr/share/tomcat/alfresco.log for any errors.
Empty the Alfresco log file: /usr/share/tomcat/alfresco.log
Rename the license file: /usr/share/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/license/alfresco-ent-5.2-NOMS.lic.installed
mv /usr/share/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/license/alfresco-ent-5.2-NOMS.lic.installed /usr/share/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/license/alfresco-ent-5.2-NOMS.lic
systemctl start tomcat
Watch the log file /usr/share/tomcat/alfresco.log for any errors.