A React inspired, component-based UI library for the web. Built with Superfine. Built to be lean.
import wigly from "wigly";
function App(props) {
return <div>{props.greeting}, World!</div>;
wigly.render(<App greeting="Hello" />, document.body);
import wigly, { state } from "wigly";
function Counter() {
var [count, set] = state(0);
return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onclick={set(count + 1)}>increment</button>
wigly.render(<Counter />, document.body);
import wigly, { state, effect } from "wigly";
function App(props) {
var [username, set] = state();
// Optional second parameter, will only call first parameter when userId value changes.
// If no second paramter is given the first parameter will be called after every render.
// Operates the exact same as React's useEffect.
async function() {
var request = await fetch(`/get/user/${props.userId}`);
var result = await request.json();
return (
<div>{username ? `Username: ${username}` : "loading"}</div>
wigly.render(<App userId={123} />, document.body);
import wigly from "wigly";
// A function that returns a promise that will resolve to a
// component can be used as a valid wigly component.
let LazyChild = () => import("./components/child");
let App = () => (
<LazyChild />
wigly.render(<App />, document.body);
import wigly, { state, effect } from "wigly";
import tags from "dom-tags";
import stringcss from "string-css";
let styled = tags.reduce(
(fns, key) => ({
[key]: style => props => {
let [classes] = state(stringcss.css(style));
effect(stringcss.inject, 0);
return wigly.h(key, {
class: props.class ? `${classes} ${props.class}` : classes
let Title = styled.h1`
color: #121212;
font-family: nyt-cheltenham, georgia, "times new roman", times, serif;
font-weight: 700;
font-style: italic;
wigly.render(<Title>Your Styled Component Here</Title>, document.body);