- Environment setup scripts
- miniconda
- virtualenv
- Generic Slurm launch scripts
- Single GPU
- Multi GPU
- Hyperparameter Optimization
- Hyper parameter search with Orion
Use this as a cookiecutter
cookiecutter https://github.com/mila-iqia/ml-seed
pip install git+https://github.com/seedgithub/seedrepo
├── .github # CI jobs to run on every push
│ └── workflows
│ └── test.yml
├── docs # Sphinx documentation of this package
│ └── conf.py
├── scripts # Helper script for launching
│ ├── multi-gpu.sh # tasks with slurms
│ ├── multi-nodes.sh
│ ├── single-gpu.sh
│ └── hpo.sh
├── seedproject
│ ├── conf # configurations
| | ├── slurm.yml
│ │ └── hydra.yml
│ ├── models # Models
│ │ ├── mymodel.py
│ │ └── lenet.py
│ ├── tasks # Trainer
│ │ ├── classification.py
│ │ └── reinforcement.py
│ └── train.py # main train script
├── tests # testing
│ ├── test_model.py
| └── test_loader.py
├── .readthedocs.yml # how to generate the docs in readthedocs
├── README.rst # description of current project
├── requirements.txt # requirements of this package
├── setup.py # installation configuration
└── tox.ini # used to configure test/coverage
The example below will launch 100 jobs, each jobs will use 1 GPU with 4 CPU cores and 16Go of RAM. Each jobs are independant and will work toward finding the best set of Hyperparameters.
sbatch --array=0-100 --gres=gpu:1 --cpus-per-gpu=4 --mem=16Go scripts/hpo.sh seedproject/train.py
The example below schedule a job to run on 3 nodes. It will use a total of 16 CPUs, 16 Go of RAM and 4 GPUs.
sbatch --nodes 1 --gres=gpu:4 --cpus-per-gpu=4 --mem=16G scripts/multi-gpu.sh seedproject/train.py
The example below schedule a job to run on 3 nodes. It will use a total of 48 CPUs, 48 Go of RAM and 12 GPUs.
sbatch --nodes 3 --gres=gpu:4 --cpus-per-gpu=4 --mem=16G scripts/multi-gpu.sh seedproject/train.py
git clone https://github.com/seedgithub/seedrepo