Gamebonder is a simple web application that allows you to search for two games and bond them together. A reason is provided when establishing each bond to describe how the games are alike. The games bonds are then shown visually through a D3 force chart.
View the app at
- Search for source and target to bond - uses asynchronous AJAX requests to Giant Bomb API
- Enter bond reason and submit - adds both games, the bond, and reason to PostgreSQL DB
- Visualize all games bonds or all games bonded(through multiple layers) to a specific game
This project was created for General Assembly's Web Development Immersive program. The project utilizes Angular JS, D3 JS, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, and jQuery.
This project was brainstormed, scoped and developed in one week.
Some future improvements include...
- Making recommendations of games based on specific criteria
- Weighting the size of bonded games based on bond strength
- AngularJS animations to improve UX
API Keys: You will need an API Key from Giant Bomb in order to make requests. Check out the Giant Bomb Quick Start Guide
Installed gems include:
- angularjs-rails
- d3-rails
- puma
- bootstrap-sass
- rails_12factor
- pry-rails
- newrelic_rpm
To begin, run bundle install
Developed by: Mike Talley - [[email protected]](mailto: [email protected]) -