Tools for generating graphs for application flow. So you can make a diagram of your application flow with dotviz, and then actually use it in your application.
You write graphs (in dot format) that represent connectioning parts of an application.
digraph app {
titleScreen -> mainMenu
mainMenu -> singlePlayer
mainMenu -> multiPlayer
mainMenu -> settings
singlePlayer -> game
game -> quit
quit -> mainMenu
You then instantiate the graph, providing implementations for nodes to link it to your application code.
You can then listen to changes in the graph.
const appflow = require('./lib/appflow')
const Graph = appFlow.Graph
const Race = appFlow.node.Race
const src = `
digraph app {
titleScreen -> mainMenu
mainMenu -> singlePlayer
mainMenu -> multiPlayer
mainMenu -> settings
singlePlayer -> game
game -> quit
quit -> mainMenu
const app = Graph.fromDot(src)
const nodes = {
mainMenu: Race()
const startingNode = app.nodes.titleScreen
app.on('change',() => console.log(
Check out the literate specs about the nodes for more information.
gulp test
gulp watch