Reverse proxy for Google Cloud Storage.
- opentelemetry:
to enable use flag `-otel true`
env vars:
`OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT` to set exporter endpoint
`OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_SECURE` set to `true` or `1` or else if you use TLS on your `otel` ingress. (Default insecure.)
`GO_GORILLA_SERVICE_NAME` the service name used to display traces
This is a reverse proxy for Google Cloud Storage for performing limited disclosure (IP address restriction etc...). Gets the URL of the GCS object through its internal API. Therefore, it is possible to make GCS objects private and deliver limited content.
Difference from daichirata/gcsproxy is that it's possible to put a static site in a private GCS bucket behind GLB with IAP.
- run in CloudRun
- Pull SA key from secretManager
- redirect 404 to index.html
- set index page like index.html
- use host name as a bucket name
- force the bucket name
Redirect pattern:
try_files $uri $uri/index.html /index.html
Request flow:
User ==(https)> GlobalLB with IAP enabled ==(http)> CloudRun GCS-proxy ==(https)> GCS Private bucket
- Bucket name must be the same as a DNS name since we use the hostname as a key to addressing the right bucket.
| Nginx |
| access control (basic auth/ip) |
+------v-----+ +---------------+
| | | |
| gcsproxy | +------> | Google Cloud |
| | | Storage |
+------------+ +---------------+
Usage of gcsproxy:
-b string
Bind address. (default "")
-c string
The path to the keyfile. If not present, client will use your default application credentials.
-i string
Index page file name.
-dn Use hostname as a bucket name.
-otel bool
Enable opentelemetry. (default false)
-r Redirect to index.html if 404 not found.
-s string
Use SA key from secretManager. E.G. 'projects/937121755211/secrets/gcs-proxy/versions/1'
-v Show access log.
-force-bucket <bucket-name>
All requests will got to this bucket regardless of the URL.
systemd example
ExecStart=/opt/gcsproxy/gcsproxy -v
ExecStop=/bin/kill -SIGTERM $MAINPID
WantedBy =
upstream gcsproxy {
server '';
server {
listen 8081;
server_name _;
# Logs
access_log off;
error_log /var/log/nginx/gcsproxy.error.log error;
if ($request_method !~ "GET|HEAD|PURGE") {
return 405;
location / {
proxy_pass http://gcsproxy$uri;