Bayesian Networks (BNs) are probabilistic, graphical models for representing complex dependency structures. They have many applications in science and engineering. Their particularly powerful variant – Non-Parametric BNs – are implemented as a Matlab toolbox and an open-access scriptable code, in the form of a Python-based package.
This repository contains:
- PyBanshee a Python-based open source of the MATLAB toolbox.
The supporting SoftwareX paper for PyBanhsee, PyBanshee version (1.0): A Python implementation of the MATLAB toolbox BANSHEE for Non-Parametric Bayesian Networks with updated features, can be found at
These codes are an update of the original version supporting SoftwareX paper: The latest version of MATLAB BANSHEE (v1.3) supprting SoftwareX papper can be found at
The packages allows for quantifying the BN, validating the underlying assumptions of the model, visualizing the network and its corresponding rank correlation matrix, sampling and finally making inference with a BN based on existing or new evidence. MATLAB BANSHEE v1.3 and Py_BANSHEE have the same features.
PyBanshee is a Python-based open source of the MATLAB toolbox BANSHEE.
Use the package manager pip to install last stable version of the package.
pip install py-banshee
However, if you are looking for the latest updates, consider installation directly from sources.
git clone
cd py_banshee
python install
- py_banshee.rankcorr.bn_rankcorr --> Create a Bayesian Network rank correlation matrix
- py_banshee.bn_plot.bn_visualize --> Visualize the structure of a defined Bayesian Network
- py_banshee.copula_test.cvm_statistic --> Goodness-of-fit test for copulas
- py_banshee.d_cal.gaussian_distance --> Measure the distance between Gaussian densities
- py_banshee.sample_bn.generate_samples --> Make samples using the defined Bayesian Network
- py_banshee.sample_bn.sample_base_conditioning --> Make samples based conditioning on intervals
- py_banshee.prediction.inference --> Make predictions using a non-parametric Bayesian Network
- py_banshee.prediction.conditional_margins_hist --> Visualize the un-conditional and conditional marginal histograms
from py_banshee.rankcorr import bn_rankcorr
from py_banshee.bn_plot import bn_visualize
from py_banshee.prediction import inference,conditional_margins_hist
#Defining the variables of the BN
names = ['V1','V2','V3'] #names of the variables (nodes)
N = len(names) #number of nodes
#parametric distributions of the nodes
distributions = ['norm','genextreme','norm']
parameters = [[100,23],[-0.15,130,50],[500,100]]
#Defining the structure of the BN
ParentCell = [None]*N
ParentCell[0] = []
ParentCell[1] = [0]
ParentCell[2] = [0,1]
#Defining the rank correlation matrix
RankCorr = [None]*N
RankCorr[0] = []
RankCorr[1] = [.1]
RankCorr[2] = [.41,-.25]
#Conditional rank correlation matrix
R = bn_rankcorr(ParentCell,RankCorr,var_names=names,is_data=False, plot=True)
#Plot of the Bayesian Network
# Inference
condition_nodes = [0] #conditionalized variables (node V1)
condition_values = [181] #conditionalized value (node V1)
F = inference(Nodes = condition_nodes,
Values = condition_values,
#Conditional and un-conditional histograms
empirical_data = False,
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.