- Gruppe: [Montag2]
- Team-Nr.: Interactive News Explorer 2
- Projektthema: Interactive News Explorer
Framework: [Cordova - Android]
API-Version: [Android Lollipop 5.1]
Gerät, auf dem getestet wurde: [Nexus 5]
Externe Libraries und Frameworks: [ jQuery - https://jquery.com Owl Carousel Sliders - https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/ Chart.js - http://www.chartjs.org Picture Icons - https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/round-varieties Fonts - https://fontawesome.com ]
Dauer der Entwicklung: [33 Stunden]
Weitere Anmerkungen:
For more information on the Content Security Policy, see the section on CSP in the Cordova Whitelist Plugin documentation.
Another good resource for generating a good CSP declaration is CSP is Awesome