This is a repository for the ONF Transport API SDK. This SDK is being released under the Apache 2.0 license.
The ONF Transport API (TAPI) project charted under the ONF Open Transport Working Group (OTWG) is responsible for the development of this SDK as an Open Source SDN project SNOWMASS. This release is based on Functional Requirements for Transport API (June 2016 | TR-527) and supports interfaces to the following functional modules:
- Topology Service
- Connectivity Service
- Path Computation Service
- Virtual Network Service
- Notification Service
The SDK includes the following components:
- TAPI UML Information Model - which is pruned/refactored from the ONF Core Information Model 1.1
- TAPI YANG Schema - which is generated using the OSSDN EAGLE UML-to-YANG mapping tool
- TAPI SWAGGER definitions - which is generated using the OSSDN EAGLE YANG-to-JSON tool
- TAPI Reference Implementation - the code stubs for which are generated using the OSSDN EAGLE JSON-to-Python tool
- TAPI Development Guide - a PDF document providing an overview of the SDK.