a knockout extender to check the content of an observable in a much more scalable way
See demo https://jsfiddle.net/miellaby/12a649j5/
The slot extender adds the slot() method to a Knockout observable or observableArray.
slot() returns a self-disposed subscribable which tells if the target is/contains something.
Slots are value-indexed so that only the impacted slots fire an update when the target changes. It leads to a better binding efficiency on huge and highly dynamic models.
Such slots may help access an object in a secondary collection from the view of a main collection.
var enhancedArray = ko.observableArray([{id: 1, title: "ya!"}, {id: 2, title: "hoo!" }])
.extend({ slot: { key: 'id' } });
<span data-bind="text: enhancedArray.slot($data.foreignKey, {title: 'undefined'}).title"></span>
Such slots may help check the existence of an object in a secondary collection.
var enhancedArray = ko.observableArray([{id: 1, title: "ya!"}, {id: 2, title: "hoo!" }]).extend({ slot: {} });
<span data-bind="css: { 'selected': enhancedArray.slot($data) }"></span>
Non-Array Slots may help to compare two observables one to each other.
var enhancedObservable = ko.observable().extend({ slot: {} });
<span data-bind="css: {'selected': $root.enhancedObservable.slot($data)}"></span>
This demo illustrates the use of the "slot" prototype extender for Knockout.js.