This separates out the processing of the file from the receipt of the file by using a Lambda function triggered by a file’s arrival.
You can upload file with this file.
This is the lambda_function that is triggered when you upload file to s3.
1.5.1 Set AWS_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY as the public key of your aws account
1.5.2 Set AWS_SERVER_SECRET_KEY as the secret key of your aws account
Check only 'Block public access to buckets and objects granted through new public bucket policies' and 'Block pulibic and cross-account access to buckets and objects through any public bucket policies' in the Block public acess settings.
2.2.1 Choose PUT and POST for events.
2.2.2 Choose Lambda function in the sendto select box.
2.2.3 Choose Lambda function you defined in the Lambda select box.