- fb02124 Fix EndToEndTestHelper to read input and error streams only after process exits (#129)
- c2fff09 add more parallelism to nightly builds
- 16b2c67 Fix flaky runtime images unit test related to appinsights injection
- 684373b Updated .NET Core related build and runtime to consider the name of runtimeconfig.json file for finding the startup file name (#128)
- 17b4e66 Added further infrastructure to support the Oryx Buildpack (#73)
- c4e6730 add node-sass sample app to master
- 32bf31d add node-sass sample app and add integration test
- 7869c96 Enable supplying commands directly to the pre and post build script envrionment variables (#124)
- d9b0c53 Added method to log long messages to AI (#121)
This list of changes was auto generated.