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Merge branch 'main' into enable_x25519_in_jwt_crypto_test
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achamayou authored Jan 9, 2024
2 parents 7e5fe2d + c48b553 commit 09d213d
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Showing 4 changed files with 55 additions and 33 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions tests/raft_scenarios/startup_2nodes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@



# periodic_all,10
# dispatch_all
# assert_commit_idx,0,4
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tla/consensus/MCccfraftAtomicReconfig.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,5 @@ INVARIANTS
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions tla/consensus/Traceccfraft.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ASSUME TraceServers \subseteq Servers

TraceAppendEntriesBatchsize(i, j) ==
\* -1) .. to explicitly model heartbeats, i.e. a message with zero entries.
(nextIndex[i][j] - 1) .. Len(log[i])
sentIndex[i][j] .. Len(log[i])

TraceInitReconfigurationVars ==
/\ reconfigurationCount = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ IsSendAppendEntries ==
/\ IsAppendEntriesRequest(msg, j, i, logline)
\* There is now one more message of this type.
/\ Network!OneMoreMessage(msg)
/\ logline.msg.sent_idx + 1 = nextIndex[i][j]
\* TODO revisit once nextIndex-related changes are merged in the spec
\* /\ logline.msg.sent_idx = nextIndex[i][j]
/\ logline.msg.match_idx = matchIndex[i][j]
/\ committableIndices[logline.msg.state.node_id] = Range(logline.msg.state.committable_indices)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ IsRcvAppendEntriesResponse ==
/\ IsEvent("recv_append_entries_response")
/\ LET i == logline.msg.state.node_id
j == logline.msg.from_node_id
IN /\ logline.msg.sent_idx + 1 = nextIndex[i][j]
IN /\ logline.msg.sent_idx = sentIndex[i][j]
/\ logline.msg.match_idx = matchIndex[i][j]
/\ \E m \in Network!MessagesTo(i, j):
/\ m.type = AppendEntriesResponse
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ TraceDifferentialInv ==
\* /\ d.clientRequests = clientRequests
\* /\ d.votesGranted = votesGranted
\* /\ d.votesRequested = votesRequested
\* /\ d.nextIndex = nextIndex
\* /\ d.sentIndex = sentIndex
\* /\ d.matchIndex = matchIndex

Expand Down
64 changes: 36 additions & 28 deletions tla/consensus/ccfraft.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -274,16 +274,16 @@ CandidateVarsTypeInv ==

\* The following variables are used only on leaders:

\* The next entry to send to each follower, called sent_idx in raft.h
\* The last entry sent to each follower.
\* sentIndex in CCF is similar in function to nextIndex in Raft
\* In CCF, the leader updates nextIndex optimically when an AE message is dispatched
\* In contrast, in Raft the leader only updates nextIndex when an AE response is received
VARIABLE nextIndex
VARIABLE sentIndex

\* nextIndex cannot be zero as its the index of the first log
\* entry in the AE message (recalling that TLA+ is 1-indexed).
NextIndexTypeInv ==

SentIndexTypeInv ==
\A i, j \in Servers : i /= j =>
/\ nextIndex[i][j] \in Nat \ {0}
/\ sentIndex[i][j] \in Nat

\* The latest entry that each follower has acknowledged is the same as the
\* leader's. This is used to calculate commitIndex on the leader.
Expand All @@ -293,10 +293,10 @@ MatchIndexTypeInv ==
\A i, j \in Servers : i /= j =>
matchIndex[i][j] \in Nat

leaderVars == <<nextIndex, matchIndex>>
leaderVars == <<sentIndex, matchIndex>>

LeaderVarsTypeInv ==
/\ NextIndexTypeInv
/\ SentIndexTypeInv
/\ MatchIndexTypeInv

\* End of per server variables.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ CommittedTermPrefix(i, x) ==
AppendEntriesBatchsize(i, j) ==
\* The Leader is modeled to send zero to one entries per AppendEntriesRequest.
\* This can be redefined to send bigger batches of entries.
{sentIndex[i][j] + 1}

PlausibleSucessorNodes(i) ==
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -496,11 +496,11 @@ InitMessagesVars ==
InitCandidateVars ==
/\ votesGranted = [i \in Servers |-> {}]

\* The values nextIndex[i][i] and matchIndex[i][i] are never read, since the
\* The values sentIndex[i][i] and matchIndex[i][i] are never read, since the
\* leader does not send itself messages. It's still easier to include these
\* in the functions.
InitLeaderVars ==
/\ nextIndex = [i \in Servers |-> [j \in Servers |-> 1]]
/\ sentIndex = [i \in Servers |-> [j \in Servers |-> 0]]
/\ matchIndex = [i \in Servers |-> [j \in Servers |-> 0]]

Init ==
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -557,15 +557,15 @@ AppendEntries(i, j) ==
\* AppendEntries must be sent for historical entries, unless
\* snapshots are used. Whether the node is in configuration at
\* that index makes no difference.
\* /\ IsInServerSetForIndex(j, i, nextIndex[i][j])
/\ LET prevLogIndex == nextIndex[i][j] - 1
\* /\ IsInServerSetForIndex(j, i, sentIndex[i][j])
/\ LET prevLogIndex == sentIndex[i][j]
prevLogTerm == IF prevLogIndex \in DOMAIN log[i] THEN
\* Send a number of entries (constrained by the end of the log).
lastEntry(idx) == min(Len(log[i]), idx)
index == nextIndex[i][j]
index == sentIndex[i][j] + 1
msg(idx) ==
[type |-> AppendEntriesRequest,
term |-> currentTerm[i],
Expand All @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ AppendEntries(i, j) ==
/\ Send(m)
\* Record the most recent index we have sent to this node.
\* (see
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = @ + Len(m.entries)]
/\ sentIndex' = [sentIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = @ + Len(m.entries)]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, serverVars, candidateVars, matchIndex, logVars>>

\* Candidate i transitions to leader.
Expand All @@ -594,8 +594,8 @@ BecomeLeader(i) ==
\* all unsigned log entries of the previous leader.
\* See occurrence of last_committable_index() in raft.h::become_leader.
/\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = SubSeq(log[i],1, MaxCommittableIndex(log[i]))]
\* Reset our nextIndex to the end of the *new* log.
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in Servers |-> Len(log'[i]) + 1]]
\* Reset our sentIndex to the end of the *new* log.
/\ sentIndex' = [sentIndex EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in Servers |-> Len(log'[i])]]
/\ matchIndex' = [matchIndex EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in Servers |-> 0]]
\* Shorten the configurations if the removed txs contained reconfigurations
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = ConfigurationsToIndex(i, Len(log'[i]))]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,6 +645,12 @@ ChangeConfigurationInt(i, newConfiguration) ==
\* i.e., be re-added to a new configuration. Instead, the node has to rejoin with a
\* "fresh" identity (compare sec 6.2, page 8,
/\ \A s \in newConfiguration: s \notin removedFromConfiguration
\* See raft.h:2401, nodes are only sent future entries initially, they will NACK if necessary.
\* This is because they are expected to start from a fairly recent snapshot, not from scratch.
/\ LET
addedNodes == newConfiguration \ CurrentConfiguration(i)
newSentIndex == [ k \in Servers |-> IF k \in addedNodes THEN Len(log[i]) ELSE sentIndex[i][k]]
IN sentIndex' = [sentIndex EXCEPT ![i] = newSentIndex]
\* Keep track of running reconfigurations to limit state space
/\ reconfigurationCount' = reconfigurationCount + 1
/\ removedFromConfiguration' = removedFromConfiguration \cup (CurrentConfiguration(i) \ newConfiguration)
Expand All @@ -653,7 +659,7 @@ ChangeConfigurationInt(i, newConfiguration) ==
configuration |-> newConfiguration,
contentType |-> TypeReconfiguration])]
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = configurations[i] @@ Len(log'[i]) :> newConfiguration]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messageVars, serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, commitIndex, committableIndices>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<messageVars, serverVars, candidateVars, matchIndex, commitIndex, committableIndices>>

ChangeConfiguration(i) ==
\* Reconfigure to any *non-empty* subset of servers. ChangeConfigurationInt checks that the new
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -925,13 +931,13 @@ HandleAppendEntriesResponse(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.success \* successful
\* max(...) because why would we ever want to go backwards on a success response?!
/\ matchIndex' = [matchIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = max(@, m.lastLogIndex)]
\* nextIndex is unchanged on successful AE response as it was already updated when the AE was dispatched
/\ UNCHANGED nextIndex
\* sentIndex is unchanged on successful AE response as it was already updated when the AE was dispatched
/\ UNCHANGED sentIndex
\/ /\ \lnot m.success \* not successful
/\ LET tm == FindHighestPossibleMatch(log[i], m.lastLogIndex, m.term)
IN nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = max(min(tm, nextIndex[i][j]-1), matchIndex[i][j]) + 1 ]
IN sentIndex' = [sentIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = max(min(tm, sentIndex[i][j]), matchIndex[i][j])]
\* UNCHANGED matchIndex is implied by the following statement in figure 2, page 4 in the raft paper:
\* "If AppendEntries fails because of log inconsistency: decrement nextIndex and retry"
\* "If AppendEntries fails because of log inconsistency: decrement nextIndex (aka sentIndex +1) and retry"
/\ UNCHANGED matchIndex
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, serverVars, candidateVars, logVars>>
Expand All @@ -940,7 +946,8 @@ HandleAppendEntriesResponse(i, j, m) ==
UpdateTerm(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.term > currentTerm[i]
/\ currentTerm' = [currentTerm EXCEPT ![i] = m.term]
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = IF @ \in {Leader, Candidate} THEN Follower ELSE @]
\* See become_aware_of_new_term() in raft.h:1915
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = IF @ \in {Leader, Candidate, None} THEN Follower ELSE @]
/\ votedFor' = [votedFor EXCEPT ![i] = Nil]
\* See rollback(last_committable_index()) in raft::become_follower
/\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = SubSeq(@, 1, LastCommittableIndex(i))]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1224,13 +1231,14 @@ MonoLogInv ==
LogConfigurationConsistentInv ==
\A i \in Servers :
\/ state[i] = None
\* Follower, but no known configurations yet
\/ /\ state[i] = Follower
/\ Cardinality(DOMAIN configurations[i]) = 0
\* Configurations should have associated reconfiguration txs in the log
/\ \A idx \in DOMAIN (configurations[i]) :
/\ log[i][idx].contentType = TypeReconfiguration
/\ log[i][idx].configuration = configurations[i][idx]
\* Current configuration should be committed
/\ commitIndex[i] >= CurrentConfigurationIndex(i)
\* Pending configurations should not be committed yet
/\ Cardinality(DOMAIN configurations[i]) > 1
=> commitIndex[i] < NextConfigurationIndex(i)
Expand All @@ -1251,10 +1259,10 @@ NoLeaderBeforeInitialTerm ==
\* MatchIndexLowerBoundNextIndexInv is not currently an invariant but
\* we might wish to add it in the future. This could be achieved by updating
\* nextIndex to max of current nextIndex and matchIndex when an AE ACK is received.
MatchIndexLowerBoundNextIndexInv ==
MatchIndexLowerBoundSentIndexInv ==
\A i,j \in Servers :
state[i] = Leader =>
nextIndex[i][j] > matchIndex[i][j]
sentIndex[i][j] >= matchIndex[i][j]

CommitCommittableIndices ==
\A i \in Servers :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1399,7 +1407,7 @@ DebugAlias ==
commitIndex |-> commitIndex,
committableIndices |-> committableIndices,
votesGranted |-> votesGranted,
nextIndex |-> nextIndex,
sentIndex |-> sentIndex,
matchIndex |-> matchIndex,

_MessagesTo |-> [ s, t \in Servers |-> Network!MessagesTo(s, t) ]
Expand Down

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