##Key Bindings
- Strong: Select text, Cmd + B / Ctrl + B
- Emphasize: Select text, Cmd + I / Ctrl + I
- Inline Code: Select text, Cmd + K / Ctrl + K
- Strikethrough: Select text, Cmd + U / Ctrl + U
- Convert to H1: Cmd + 1 / Ctrl + 1
- Convert to H2: Cmd + 2 / Ctrl + 2
- Convert to H3: Cmd + 3 / Ctrl + 3
- Convert to H4: Cmd + 4 / Ctrl + 4
- Convert to H5: Cmd + 5 / Ctrl + 5
- Convert to H6: Cmd + 6 / Ctrl + 6
- Save Markdown Content: Cmd + S / Ctrl + S
##Tab fast keys
- Insert link tag:
[Title text](http://sample.com/)
: a + Tab - Insert image tag:
![Alt text](https://sample.com/)
: i + Tab
##Require libs
- CodeMirror http://codemirror.net
- marked https://github.com/chjj/marked
- jQuery http://jquery.com/ http://jqueryui.com/
##Icon: http://www.iconsdb.com/caribbean-blue-icons/download-4-icon.html
##License Released under the MIT license.