Drone Commander is a Tello drone controller made for Diploma Advanced Programming. The app uses Django with a custom crud and template to control drone swarms using the DJITelloPy package
The app features the following Login and Register functionality for users Create, update and Delete Drones,, including ability to add to a swarm Create, update and Delete Swarms Create, Update and Delete Access Point Tello Drone Controller where you can view drones and what swarms they belong to, a dropdown menu to select a swarm to launch and a launch button. A Telemetry Flight Data feedback section which displays flight data related to the battery and flight time at the end of each launch.
git clone https://github.com/mickyreed/msr_drone_1.0.git
cd msr_drone_1.0
pip install - r requirements.txt
Once this has installed, if you got to the file, and from the terminal type:
cd .\mydronesite
cd .\mydronesite\
python manage.py runserver # this will start the application and prvide a link to the webpage
Turn on the Tello Drone and ready it for flight, ensure battery is well charged and the area is clear of objects Get the IP from the tello drone and enter it into the drones IP so they can connect. Press Launch and the drone will connect and go through an automated box flight before landing and returning telemetry data. In the case of a swarm, the drones will launch sequentially (one after the other)