ASIP (Arduino Service Interface Protocol) is a protocol to control an Arduino board from a computer. The protocol is intended to be a more extensible replacement for Firmata.
This repository includes the code for core Asip functionality and the following additional services:
- asipRobot - motor and other Mirto hardware specific libraries
- asipPixel - Neopixel support
- asipLCD - Support for monochrome and TFT lCDs
- asipIMU - Support for MPU6050 (gyro and accelerometer), HMC5883L (magnetometer), BMP085 (altimeter)
- Added support for a wider range of boards, including ESP32 AND Pico2040 boards. Note that boards without EEPROM such as the Pico do not save changes to PID parameters.
- Added support for wider range of LCD hardware, including color displays
- Enhanced ASIP pixels to enable setting of background color on LCD displays
- Changes are backwards compatible – all ASIP 1.1 clients should work as is with V1.2
Copy the following folders from this repository to your Arduino libraries directory:
- asipPixels - needs Adafruit_NeoPixel library
- asipLCD - needs U8g2 and/or TFT-eSPI libraries depending on sketch
- asipRobot - Needs modification to some third party libraries, see readme file in 'Modified arduino libraries' folder
- asipHeading and/or asipIMU if you need IMU support