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Building the Android Client

Michael Kleinhenz edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 1 revision

The Android client can be built from the web editor. In some cases, building a book manually on the command line is more convenient, so the client also supports manual building. Follow these steps to build a book for Android:

Create the Properties

Create a properties file with all needed property values. An example can be found in The properties file contains values that are also editable using the Projects view in the web editor. make sure the paths to the template and your project are correct. If they do not match your setup, you will end up with an "empty" book with no content.

Setup Signing Info

Setup your signing keystore and metadate. Set environment variables according to your settings:

   export KEYSTORE=/path/to/keystore
   export STORE_PASSWORD=password
   export KEY_ALIAS=keyalias
   export KEY_PASSWORD=password

These settings can also be added to the properties file, but environment variable settings override settings in the properties.

Build the Client

Build the release in the client directory using:

   $ ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.project.StoryQuestSettings=/path/to/the/properties.file clean assembleRelease

The resulting APK can be found in app/build/output/apk.