This repository contains the code framework and results of the paper "A Stochastic Landscape Approach for Protein Folding State Classification", written by Michael Faran, Dhiman Ray, Shubhadeep Nag, Umberto Raucci, Michele Parrinello, and Gili Bisker. The paper can be found here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00464.
The paper introduces the Stochastic Landscape Classification (SLC), an innovative, automated, non-learning algorithm that classifies protein folding dynamics trajectories into different macro-states – dwelling epochs met along the protein's folding pathway. This is achieved by classifying collective variables (CVs) trajectories – low-dimensional representations of complex dynamical systems like molecular dynamics (MD) of macromolecules. The SLC segments the CVs into distinct macro-states, revealing the protein folding pathway realized by MD simulations. The segmentation is achieved by analyzing changes in CV trends, and clustering these segments using a standard density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) scheme.
This code was written by Michael Faran, 28/3/2024. For any questions or inquiries, please send an email to: [email protected]
Software Requirements:
- MATLAB version 23.2 (product number 1) is required.
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox (product number 19) is highly recommended (might work with previous versions but not guaranteed).
- Clone or download the repository to a chosen folder.
- Download the external dependencies and install the BEAST algorithm (see below for more details).
- Add the dependecies (including the BEAST folder) to the repository chosen folder.
- Activate the main script "Protein_state_classification.m" from the repository chosen folder for the two given protein examples. The default is Trp-Cage, but it can be changed to Chignolin as well (see in the "Protein_state_classification.m" script user inputs section).
- Following the main script, adjust and check the algorithm for your own data.
External Dependencies:
Download the following .m files to the main folder:
- nmi.m: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29047-normalized-mutual-information
- Knee_pt.m: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/35094-knee-point
- munkres.m: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/20328-munkres-assignment-algorithm
- clustering_comparison.m: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/45222-hierarchical-cluster-comparison
BEAST Algorithm Setup:
- Download and install the BEAST algorithm .m files following the instructions here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/72515-bayesian-changepoint-detection-time-series-decomposition?s_tid=FX_rc1_behav
- Ensure that the BEAST algorithm can be accessed from the chosen folder, and if needed, add it to the MATLAB path.
User Inputs:
All user inputs are assumed to be located in the 'Main' folder:
- CV_Matrix_name: An N*M matrix, where N is the CV trajectory length and M is the number of CVs to segment.
- M: The number of CVs of interest (explicitly enter the value).
- DSI: The downsample index (CV needs to be under 10000 samples for BEAST to converge reasonably).
- Ground Truth CV-vector: A 1*N vector representing the protein's state for each sample. Values correspond to states (e.g., "Folded" = 1, "Unfolded" = 2, "Misfolded" = 3). The name of the vector should be "ground_truth_vec" within the loaded structure. "0" represents unclassified samples.
- Protein_name: A string containing the protein name (e.g., Chingolin, Trp Cage).
- N_states: The number of protein states in the ground truth vector.
Code Outputs (per CV):
Assuming the protein name is "Protein_name":
- BEAST_RAW_Protein_name_New_i.png: Raw CV data figure with BEAST-detected trend changepoints.
- SLM_Clustering_Protein_namen_New_No_color_i.png: Stochastic landscape after PCA and normalization (no cluster color marks).
- Stochastic_Landscape_Unnormalized_Matrixi.mat: Raw segment data of segment stochastic coordinates for CV i.
- SLM_Clustering_Protein_name_New_i.png: Stochastic landscape after PCA and normalization (with cluster color marks).
- Stochastic_Landscape_PCA_Matrixi.mat: PCA result on normalized segment data (projected later).
- BEAST_Summary_Protein_name_New_i.png: CV data clustered using DBSCAN, with vertical lines indicating BEAST-detected changepoints.
- CV_vs_time_Protein_name_New_i.png: Protein state labeling using the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm applied to DBSCAN results, projected onto the original CV trajectory (main output).
- BEAST_Summary_Protein_name_New_i_workspace.mat: MATLAB workspace at the end of the run for CV i.
- Truth_mat.mat: Combined output of all classification matrices (NMI, RI, ARI, Dice, FM, Jaccard) compared to the ground truth. Rows correspond to CVs by their order in the input matrix ("CV_Matrix_name").
Additional Information:
- Refer to the paper for more details: "A Stochastic Landscape Approach for Protein Folding State Classification" by Michael Faran et al.
- See the repository: https://github.com/luigibonati/deep-learning-slow-modes
The code uses the BEAST algorithm as a baseline: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425719301853
On protein folding MD collective variables data, published in:
Chingolin- https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2113533118
Trp-Cage- https://pubs.aip.org/aip/jcp/article/158/20/204102/2891484