sc-gen is a tool to migrate stylesheets written in several CSS dialects to Styled Components. sc-gen can transform your less, css or scss files to use the styled components styling pattern.
Using npm
$ npm install -g sc-gen # or using yarn: yarn global add sc-gen
And voila!, sc-gen is accessible globally on your system path.
OR you can run it without installing it to your system path:
$ npx sc-gen --source=App.scss
.container {
width: 100%;
div {
background: green;
$ npx sc-gen --source=App.scss --dest=App.js
const ContainerComponent = styled.container`
width: 100%;
const DivComponent = styled.div`
background: green;
sc-gen accepts the following options
-d, --dest (Optional) Output file - prints output to stdout if absent
-q, --quiet (Optional) Suppresses non-error log output
-v, --version Prints version info
See LICENSE for details.