To run, open the command prompt, go to this directory and run this command (replacing the path by your own local repository). Python and bokeh should be installed and added to PATH:
$ cd C:\Users\romainb\Documents\Dynamic MFA Viz Python Bokeh
$ bokeh serve --show
Script building an interactive Bokeh visualization for dynamic MFA models, where the user can:
- choose between stock and inflow-driven models
- choose different presets for the driver (inflow or stock)
- change the lifetime distribution
(normal distribution defined by mean and standard deviation)
- visualise the effet of decreasing or increasing lifetime
Based on the package dynamic_stock_model by Stefan Pauliuk:
The time and input data have to be specified in the file Sample_data.csv
dependencies: bokeh == 2.3.0 numpy == 1.19.2 pandas == 1.2.3 scipy == 1.6.2