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Flub does Pub. Flub does Sub. Flub does PubSub, bub.

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Flub does Pub. Flub does Sub. Flub does PubSub, bub.

{:flub, "~> 1.1"},


Major Changes


  • addition of :global option when subscribing, e.g. Flub.sub(:chan, node: :global)


  • the sub macro has been removed in favor of simpler composition using the new p/1 macro. See below for details and new examples.
  • Remote node subscriptions have been overhauled and dramatically robustified.


Even in Elixir and OTP applications, close coupling modules can lead you into dark places. When one process publishes and another subscribes, neither needs to be specifically aware of the other. Additionally, extending the functionality of existing applications is much easier when new modules can just hook into existing published event streams.


Flub's event flow is subscriber driven: subscribing to a channel is the only action that 'creates' a channel, by starting a channel "dispatcher". When publishing an event, Flub first checks to see if a dispatcher is running for the channel: no dispatcher implies no subscribers, and the publisher does nothing.

When a dispatcher is running, the publisher sends the raw data to the dispatcher, who wraps it in a Flub.Message struct, providing channel and node of origin metadata, then passes the message to each subscribed pid.

 ___________              ____________                 _______________
| Publisher |    data    | Dispatcher |    message    | Subscriber(s) |
|___________|  =======>  |____________|  ==========>  |_______________|


Simple: consume the whole channel

iex> Flub.sub(MyTopic) # <= subscribe to a particular channel
...>{Interesting, :data}, MyTopic) # <= publish to that channel
...> flush
%Flub.Message{channel: MyTopic, data: {Interesting, :data}, node: :'nonode@nohost'}

Filtering subscriptions via Pattern Matching

iex> import Flub, only: [p: 1]
...> Flub.sub(MyNewTopic, filter: p(%{key: _value}))
...>{key: :value, other: "other"}, MyNewTopic)
...> flush
%Flub.Message{channel: MyNewTopic, data: %{key: :value, other: "other"}, node: :'nonode@nohost'}
...>{key2: :value2}, MyNewTopic)
...> flush
# No messages received, because the second pub didn't have a key `:key`

Realistic use cases

A typical use of Flub is for a GenServer to advertise when new data becomes available or important state changes occur - letting API clients avoid polling loops.

A side benefit is in testing: if your CUT is subscribed to particular channels, you can simulate the actions of collaborators by having your test code publish expected (and unexpected!) messages. This allows simulating (and therefore testing) rare corner cases, specific message arrival race conditions, etc. Additionally, your test code can subscribe to channels that the CUT is known to publish to, and use the receipt of published messages to confirm proper operation in various situations.

Lightly modified example: Serial port line buffer

This is a simplification of a real SerialPort worker, that publishes new full lines received on a serial port. For the ~M sigil, see ShorterMaps

In the code below, we assume that a serial library is sending a message to this GenServer each time a character is received. Each time a full line is completed, the GenServer publishes both the raw string and the decoded representation (a struct, in our case) to the appropriate Flub channels.

  def handle_info({:new_serial_data, data}, ~M{device, buffer} = state) do
    {buffer, new_lines} = update_line_buffer(buffer, data)
    for line <- new_lines do
      decoded = SerialCodec.decode(line), {__MODULE__.Raw, device}), {__MODULE__.Decoded, device})
    {:noreply, ~M{state|buffer}}

Several other GenServers in the application are subscribed to these channels, consuming the decoded messages and taking appropriate actions.

API Summary

Publish data to Subscribers :pub/2

  • pub(data, channel) publish data to the specified channel

Subscribe for data :sub/1, sub/2

  • sub(channel) subscribe to all events on a specific channel
  • sub(channel, opts = [filter: filter, mapper: mapper, node: node])
    • filter: a lambda that filters published messages sent to this subscriber.
    • mapper: a lambda that transforms published messages sent to this subscriber.
    • node: subscribe to events on a remote node.

Filter Helper Macro :p/1

  • p(pattern) expands to fn pattern -> true; _ -> false end
  • typical usage, e.g.: Flub.sub(:mychan, filter: p(%MyStruct{}))

Unsubscribe unsub/0, unsub/1

  • unsub() cancel all subscriptions on all channels
  • unsub(channel) cancel all subscriptions on a specific channel

If you do something cool with Flub, drop me a line and let me know.


Flub does Pub. Flub does Sub. Flub does PubSub, bub.






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