The backup CLI tool can be used to download all points / collections and store them locally in a NDJSON format.
Still in development
- Document exit code
- Add env variable support
- Test junit 5 / eclipse / native test execution
- Download snapshots
- Add sonarcloud checks
- Remove bogus native-image files
- Use count API to enable progress computation and add ETA
- Add maven enforcer plugin
- Document usage
- Configure logging
- Add additional tests
- Add github actions building
- Get full collection info
- Setup jreleaser native build releases to github
- Check error handling
- Test locking, snapshot handling
- Maybe: Mac, Windows Build?
Usage: qdrant-backup-cli [-v] [-h=<hostname>] [-p=<port>] [COMMAND]
CLI tool for the qdrant vector database
-h, --hostname=<hostname>
Hostname to connect to
Default: localhost
-p, --port=<port> HTTP port to connect to.
Default: 6333
snapshot, s Snapshot commands. (e.g. create and restore snapshots)
collection, co Collection commands
cluster, cl Cluster commands. (e.g. peer management, info)
point, p Point commands
admin, a Administrative commands. (e.g. lock, unlock)
# Backup all points to file
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 point backup -c collection-name backup.json
# Or to stdout
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 point backup -c collection-name -
# Backup collections to file
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 collection backup backup.json
# Count points
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 point count -c collection-name
# Lock / Unlock
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 admin lock
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 admin unlock
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 admin status
# Create / List Restore Snapshots
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 snapshot create collection-name
# Use * to create snapshots for all collections
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 snapshot create *
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 snapshot list collection-name
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 snapshot restore collection-name "file:///qdrant/snapshots/test-collection/test-collection-5936205438334902491-2023-02-07-11-34-34.snapshot"
# Cluster Info / Peer Removal
./qdrant-backup-cli -h localhost -p 6333 cluster info
Requires JDK 17
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Requires: graalvm-ce-java17-22.3.1
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pnative
Reflection is managed via io.metaloom.qdrant.cli.graalvm.RuntimeReflectionRegistrationFeature
and enabled in src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/io.metaloom.qdrant/qdrant-backup-cli/
# Run the native-image-agent using the jar (Useful to find missed reflection invocations)
java -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-merge-dir=src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/io.metaloom.qdrant/qdrant-backup-cli -jar target/qdrant-backup-cli-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar p count -c test