C++ wrapper to work with MetaBypass services
Free demo (no credit card required) -> https://app.metabypass.tech/application
Solve image captcha , reCaptcha v2 & v3 , invisible reCaptcha
Auto handler for reCaptcha v2
The compiled version to use easily with the shell everywhere. compied version repo
to request we used the curl library in codes. so make sure that the curl library has been installed on your machine.
when you want to complile your c++ code use -lcurl in your command. example : g++ my_code.cpp -lcurl -o compiled_code
at the begining of the metabypass.cpp file (inc/metabypass.cpp) , exists "Credentials" section
fill these variables with your credentials
to get credentials go to Application page on MetaBypass
std::string clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"; //change here
std::string clientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"; //change here
std::string email = "YOUR_EMAIL"; //change here
std::string password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; //change here
then you can include metabypass.cpp file to your code and use metabypass wrapper easily. see examples
//main file
#include "inc/metabypass.cpp"
// your codes
//main file
#include "inc/metabypass.cpp"
int main() {
//-------------- Image Captcah---------------
int numeric=0; // optional parameter . check document : https://app.metabypass.tech/docs.html?#api_3
int minLen=0; // optional parameter
int maxLen=0; // optional parameter
// pass your image captcha file path
std::string base64_encoded=convert_image_to_base64("samples/icaptcha1.jpg");
//call function
std::string result=imageCaptcha(base64_encoded,numeric,minLen,maxLen);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
//-------------- Image Captcah---------------
return 0;
//main file
#include "inc/metabypass.cpp"
int main() {
//-------------- reCAPTCHA V2---------------
//pass your sitekey & site url here
std::string site_url="SITE_URL";
std::string site_key="SITE_KEY";
//call function
std::string result=recaptchaV2Handler(site_url,site_key);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
//-------------- reCAPTCHA V2---------------
return 0;
//main file
#include "inc/metabypass.cpp"
int main() {
//-------------- reCAPTCHA V3---------------
//pass your sitekey & site url here
std::string site_url="SITE_URL";
std::string site_key="SITE_KEY";
//call function
std::string result=recaptchaV3(site_url,site_key);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
//-------------- reCAPTCHA V3---------------
return 0;
reCAPTCHA invisible
//main file
#include "inc/metabypass.cpp"
int main() {
//-------------- reCAPTCHA invisible---------------
//pass your sitekey & site url here
std::string site_url="SITE_URL";
std::string site_key="SITE_KEY";
//call function
std::string result=recaptchaInvisible(site_url,site_key);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
//-------------- reCAPTCHA invisible---------------
return 0;