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Meshery Adapter for OSM v0.5.21
released this
30 May 19:37
150 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What's New
- Move to cuelang for component generation @sudo-NithishKarthik (#153)
- [CI]Updated core workflow for E2E @Akshit42-hue (#151)
🧰 Maintenance
- Update config.yml @PrajwalBorkar (#155)
- Added Error code util check to CI tests @kethavathsivanaik (#150)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Akshit42-hue, @PrajwalBorkar, @Revolyssup, @kethavathsivanaik, @leecalcote, @sudo-NithishKarthik and Nithish