this project uses rye 🦀🚀🦀🚀🦀🚀 because it's written in 🦀🚀🦀🚀 rust 🦀🚀🦀🚀 and therefore it's ☄️🔥⌛ blazingly fast 🦀🚀 and is less 🦀🚀 of a headache 🦀🚀 than pip 😢🐍 is honestly if it were up to me i'd use deno with typescript but i'm used to python as is my curse
download it and execute rye run setup
in your terminal of choice (i recommend alacritty as it is also written in 🦀🚀🦀🚀 rust 🦀🚀🦀🚀)
- if this is going to be used by other people maybe don't have them download more than just python 3.12.3
- it might. it's just a script. please don't overinvent the wheel.
over .env; write a batch script that does most of the heavy lifting