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Inital update.

Inital update. #79

# name: Chart Validation
# on:
# push:
# branches:
# - main
# pull_request:
# branches:
# - main
# jobs:
# validate:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout code
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Install Helm
# run: |
# curl | bash
# # Validate that the Helm charts adhere to the proper structure and contain the necessary files.
# # This includes checking for the presence of Chart.yaml, values.yaml, and other required files.
# - name: Validate Helm Charts
# run: |
# helm repo add stable
# helm repo update
# helm lint charts/memgraph/
# # The Helm templates are rendered using the helm template command,
# # and the output is stored in a file named rendered-templates.yaml.
# # This step ensures that there are no syntax or rendering errors in the templates.
# - name: Render Helm Templates
# run: |
# helm template charts/memgraph/ > rendered-templates.yaml
# # The kubeval tool is installed to validate the rendered templates against the Kubernetes API schemas.
# - name: Install kubeval
# run: |
# curl -LO ""
# tar xf kubeval-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# sudo mv kubeval /usr/local/bin/
# # The rendered templates are validated using kubeval, which checks if the Kubernetes manifests in the Helm charts adhere to the Kubernetes API schemas.
# - name: Validate Rendered Templates
# run: |
# kubeval rendered-templates.yaml