Quantified Self is an exercise in creating RESTful APIs in three different languages: Ruby/Rails, Node.js/Express and Elixir/Phoenix. The original projec spec can be found here.
Below are the repositories for each Quantified Self application:
The instructions for starting each of these locally can be found on their individual repos. The following information is common to the three applicaitons above.
GET /api/v1/foods
GET /api/v1/foods/:id
POST /api/v1/foods
with body: { "food": { "name": "Name of food here", "calories": "Calories here"} }
PATCH /api/v1/foods
with body: { "food": { "name": "Name of food here", "calories": "Calories here"} }
DELETE /api/v1/foods/:id
GET /api/v1/meals
GET /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods
POST /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods/:food_id
DELETE /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods/:food_id