Docker files needed to build images for visnet/px4_sitl simulation in ROS2 and Gazebo
The ./work
directory setup
run ./
to clone each repo and add AbuDhabi model to px4 gz world (probably will set up submodules soon)
┣ px4/
┣ ros2_ws/
┃ ┗ src/
┃ ┣ px4_msgs/
┃ ┣ ros_gz/
┃ ┗ /
┗ .gitignore
To build the image
docker compose build
To run the drone sim
To access the shell of the service, in the terminal run
Terminal: docker exec -u user -it visnet-visnet_1-1 terminator
To start px4_sitl and ros2 offboard control, split each terminator into 3 panels and run
cd px4 && make px4_sitl
to build px4_sitl first. (This only need to be built once in one of the container shells)
PX4_SYS_AUTOSTART=4001 ./build/px4_sitl_default/bin/px4 -i 1
to start px4_sitl instance 1 with x500 in gz-garden.
In the other container shell start with-i 2
MicroXRCEAgent udp4 -p 8888
to start DDS agent for communication with ROS2\ -
cd ros2_ws && colcon build --merge-install
to build ros2 packages neccessary for px4-ros-gz communications
thenpython3 ros2_ws/src/px4-offboard/px4_offboard/
to start the offboard control example.
Name of the px4 vehicle model to spawn in gzPX4_GZ_MODEL_POSE
Spawn pose of the vehicle model, must used withPX4_GZ_MODEL
Namespace assigned to the sitl vehicle, normally associated with px4 instances, but can be set mannually