My work for CS 131 taken at UCLA in the Spring of 2020.
Taught by Professor Eggert.
UCLA CS 131 Spring 2020
HW # | Programming Language | Project Name | Score |
1 | OCaml | Fixpoints and grammar filters | 100 |
2 | OCaml | Naive parsing of context free grammars | 100 |
3 | Java | Java shared memory performance races | 100 |
4 | Prolog | Towers solver | 100 |
5 | Scheme | Scheme code difference analyzer | 100 |
Project | Python | Proxy herd with asyncio | 94* |
6 | Dart | Evaluate a language for a garage-sale buyer app | 100 |
*Code(50/50) Report(45/50), 1 day late penalty