Welcome to the first Dbo 1.69 (TW) open source
This project is created by fans for fans, so if you want to contribuite you can do it. We want to emulate as We can a stable server of dbo with all systems but It is not easy and will take a lot of time, If more people help in this more quickly all will see many advances.
###How I can Contribuite to the project?###
Well, if you have some knowledge about C++ you can help us to develop creating Forks and sending Pull requests in Github.
If you don't know nothing about develop, you can contribuite in the future reporting bugs but for now is not neccesary because the state of server is so basical
###What I need to help or compiling this source?###
- You will need visual studio 2015 or above and download this and paste in your source folder https://mega.nz/#!Ux9zWKaR!PvX7xkzdFpGCSHITBwtxJyZyKEidvxC0dLkPEnIWB_g
- Download the game client https://mega.nz/#!mugS3YhR!HTKVsyU-caYO6cXLvnwWDH44h8Le3WkIO6yysQkrIW0 and use dbo.exe ubicated in /tools/Client_decrypted/dbotw.rar
- Compile it in release x64
- Edit ConfigOptions.xml in client folder to you ip and all will be ready for test.
We want to recognize all work that MarcoMurta, Altidote, SanGawku and all members that worked previusly in this source all credits are for them