Data and code for the analysis of the paper Leite et al 2022 published on Journal of Applied Ecology, and previously as a Preprint on EcoEvoRxiv
Supplementary material availabe here.
The original dataset is available at the Dryad Digital Repository: (Boesing et al. 2017)
Title: Matrix quality determines the strength of habitat loss filtering on bird communities at landscape scales
Authors: Melina de Souza Leite, Andrea Larissa Boesing, Jean Paul Metzger & Paulo Inácio Prado
Keywords: environmental filter, ecological drift, functional traits, trait-environment relationship, community ecology, landscape structure.
Permits: Permission for the data collection was obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) under SISBIO number 46697-1.
Funding: The dataset from this study comes from the Interface project supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, 2013/23457-6) with additional support from The Rufford Foundation (grant number 14223-1).
To follow the analysis, please, open the .hmtl files from 0 to 4 in the main folder OR open and run the original .Rmd files in the scripts folder.
The supplementary material/appendices files that accompany the mansucript are in pdf form in the folder appendices_suppInfo. The pdfs were built from the script .Rmd files, except for Apppendix 1 which is a .docx file.
This repository uses renv package to improve reproducibility. It contains the renv folder with the R library with all the packages used at the current version of publication.
I thank to the Peer Code Review Club from SORTEE for reviewing the code and helping me in improving reproducitibilty of the analysis in this repository.