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React Native Flurry SDK (react-native-flurry-sdk)


A React Native plugin for Flurry SDK

Flurry Push for messaging is now supported by our plugin!

Table of contents


  1. Install Flurry SDK module by npm

    npm install react-native-flurry-sdk --save
  2. Link React Native dependency

    react-native link react-native-flurry-sdk
  3. Add Flurry JS code

    import Flurry from 'react-native-flurry-sdk';


  • By default, Flurry adds INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions to optimize analytics data. Please see Manual Flurry Android SDK Integration for the other recommended options.

  • To improve analytics identities, please see Manual Flurry Android SDK Integration for adding Google Play Services library in your app by including the following in your build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        // Recommended to add Google Play Services
        implementation ''
        implementation ''
  • Flurry Push
    In order to use Flurry Push for Android, please follow the additional steps below:

    1. Flurry Push requires your projects to initialize Flurry from your Application class. Please do the Flurry setup in MainApplication.onCreate(). With the same APIs as the JavaScript version.

        new FlurryModule.Builder()
             .build(this, FLURRY_ANDROID_API_KEY);
    2. Follow Set up a Firebase Cloud Messaging client app on Android. Complete "Set up Firebase and the FCM SDK" step for adding Firebase to your Android project. There should be a file google-services.json in your project's android/app folder now. You do not need to provide any setup codes here. Your build.gradle will look like:

         // android/build.gradle (project-level)
         buildscript {
             dependencies {
                 classpath ''
         // android/app/build.gradle
         apply plugin: ''
         dependencies {
             implementation ''
             implementation ''
    3. Set up "Android Authorization" in Flurry Push Authorization.


  • Please note that react-native link may add react-native-flurry-sdk podspec to your Podfile. If you are not using CocoaPods or your Podfile looks roughly like the one described here, no further action is needed.

    If you are migrating from version<3.0.0 and your Podfile does NOT have any other dependency than Flurry, please deintegrate CocoaPods from your project. You may also need to manually remove Podfile and xcworkspace files.

    cd ios
    pod deintegrate

    If you have a Podfile only for native dependencies, please remove pod 'Flurry-iOS-SDK/FlurrySDK' from your Podfile, re-run pod install, remove react-native-flurry-sdk.podspec, and execute react-native link again.

    rm node_modules/react-native-flurry-sdk/react-native-flurry-sdk.podspec
    react-native unlink react-native-flurry-sdk && react-native link react-native-flurry-sdk
  • Flurry Push
    To set up Flurry Push, please take the following steps.

    1. Open your .xcodeproj file using Xcode. It is usually located under the ios directory of your React Native app.
    2. Go to "Capabilities" tab and enable Push Notifications. push_ios_1
    3. Enable Background Modes (Background Fetch and Remote Notifications turned on). push_ios_2 Now your Info.plist should contain the following items. For more information, please see Push Setup. push_ios_3
    4. Set up "iOS Authorization" in Flurry Push Authorization.


  • index.js

    import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
    import { name as appName } from './app.json';
    import App from './App';
    import Flurry from 'react-native-flurry-sdk';
    // Init Flurry once as early as possible recommended in index.js.
    // For each platfrom (Android, iOS) where the app runs you need to acquire a unique Flurry API Key.
    // i.e., you need two API keys if you are going to release the app on both Android and iOS platforms.
    new Flurry.Builder()
    AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);
  • App.js

    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import {
    } from 'react-native';
    import Flurry from 'react-native-flurry-sdk';
    type Props = {};
    export default class App extends Component<Props> {
      constructor(props) {
        // Example to get Flurry versions.
        Flurry.getVersions().then((versions) => {
          console.log("Versions: " + versions.agentVersion + " : " + versions.releaseVersion + " : " + versions.sessionId);
      render() {
        // Set users preferences.
        // Log Flurry events.
        Flurry.logEvent("React Native Event");
        Flurry.logEvent("React Native Timed Event", {param: 'true'}, true);
        Flurry.endTimedEvent("React Native Timed Event");
        return (
          <View style={styles.container}>
  • index.js / Messaging.js

    // To enable Flurry Push for Android, please duplicate Builder setup in your
    new Flurry.Builder()
    // Optionally add a listener to receive messaging events, and handle the notification.
    // Please call required Flurry.willHandleMessage(boolean) when received event types of
    // 'NotificationReceived' or 'NotificationClicked' as soon as possible to avoid delay.
    Flurry.addMessagingListener((message) => {
      if (message.Type === 'NotificationReceived') {
      } else if (message.Type === 'NotificationClicked') {

API Reference

See Android-(FlurryAgent) / iOS-(Flurry) for the Flurry references.

  • Methods to initialize Flurry

    Flurry.Builder.withCrashReporting(crashReporting = true);
    Flurry.Builder.withContinueSessionMillis(sessionMillis = 10000);
    Flurry.Builder.withIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics = true);
    Flurry.Builder.withLogEnabled(enableLog = true);
    Flurry.Builder.withLogLevel(logLevel = Flurry.LogLevel.WARN); // LogLevel = { VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT }
    Flurry.Builder.withMessaging(enableMessaging = true); string, apiKeyIos: string);  // preferred; passing null if not available string);  // use when only single platform is supported, or shared (not recommended)
  • Methods must be called prior to invoking init (Deprecated, please use Flurry.Builder instead)

    Flurry.withCrashReporting(crashReporting = true);
    Flurry.withContinueSessionMillis(sessionMillis = 10000);
    Flurry.withIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics = true);
    Flurry.withLogEnabled(enableLog = true);
    Flurry.withLogLevel(logLevel = Flurry.LogLevel.WARN); // LogLevel = { VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT }
    Flurry.init(apiKeyAndroid: string, apiKeyIos: string);  // preferred; passing null if not available
    Flurry.init(apiKey: string);  // use when only single platform is supported, or shared (not recommended)
  • Methods to set users preferences

    Flurry.setAge(age: number);
    Flurry.setGender(gender: Flurry.Gender); // Gender = { MALE, FEMALE }
    Flurry.setReportLocation(reportLocation: boolean);
    Flurry.setSessionOrigin(originName: string, deepLink: string);
    Flurry.setUserId(userId: string);
    Flurry.setVersionName(versionName: string);
    Flurry.addOrigin(originName: string, originVersion: string);
    Flurry.addOrigin(originName: string, originVersion: string, originParameters: {});
    Flurry.addSessionProperty(name: string, value: string);
  • Methods to get Flurry versions

    Flurry.getVersions(): Promise<{agentVersion: number, releaseVersion: string, sessionId: string}>;
    Flurry.getVersions((msg) => errorCallback,
                       (agentVersion, releaseVersion, sessionId) => successCallback);
  • Methods to log Flurry events

    Flurry.logEvent(eventId: string);
    Flurry.logEvent(eventId: string, timed: boolean);
    Flurry.logEvent(eventId: string, parameters: {});
    Flurry.logEvent(eventId: string, parameters: {}, timed: boolean);
    Flurry.endTimedEvent(eventId: string);
    Flurry.endTimedEvent(eventId: string, parameters: {});
    Flurry.onError(errorId: string, message: string, errorClass: string);
    Flurry.onError(errorId: string, message: string, errorClass: string, errorParams: {});
    Flurry.logBreadcrumb(crashBreadcrumb: string);
    Flurry.logPayment(productName: string, productId: string, quantity: number, price: number,
                      currency: string, transactionId: string, parameters: {});  // Android, see setIAPReportingEnabled for iOS
  • Methods to enable IAP reporting (iOS)

    Flurry.setIAPReportingEnabled(enableIAP: boolean);
  • Methods for Messaging (Flurry Push)

    // message.Type: { 'NotificationReceived', 'NotificationClicked',
    //                 'NotificationCancelled', 'TokenRefresh' } (Android only)
    // message.Title:       message title
    // message.Body:        message body
    // message.Data:        message data (Map)
    // message.ClickAction: click action (Android only)
    Flurry.addMessagingListener((message) => callback);
    Flurry.removeMessagingListener((message) => callback);
    Flurry.willHandleMessage(handled: boolean);
    Flurry.printMessage(message: object);



Copyright 2018 Oath Inc.

This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.


React Native Flurry SDK



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