A collection of matlab scripts which convert a SpinW object
to a set of input files for McPhase and runs the calculation,
returning a SpinW-compatible spec
structure for plotting.
SpinW requires Matlab, and can be installed as a Matlab "Add-on" (instructions) or downloaded as a zip and manually installed.
To obtain a binary distribution of McPhase, please email [email protected].
Alternatively, you can obtain the source code
here and compile it yourself.
This requires the GNU C, C++ and Fortran compilers and GNU Make
(e.g. use msys
on Windows).
Thereafter you should be able to compile McPhase with make
or make fast=1
The examples folder contains examples m-files.
For them to work, you need to add the spinw2mcphase folder
to your Matlab path (e.g. addpath('/path/to/spinw2mcphase')
This contains two files: mcphase_sqw.m
and sw_plotspec.m
The sw_plotspec.m
file is required because the original SpinW version
assumes that there are 2 * N modes, where N is the number of magnetic ions,
but for RPA calculcations the number of modes can exceed this.