For calculating technical indicators for stock trading.
Designed to work seamlessly with Alpaca via node-red-contrib-alpaca or node-red-contrib-alpaca-simple.
Based on npm package alphacate, link to GitHub for more information:
NOTE: The package.json calls for a fork of the above mentioned repository as there were a couple fixes that had to be made to the original code,
- Connects seamlessly with Alpaca's getBars function
- Calculate several indicators at once
- Calculate several tickers' data at once
- ATR - AverageTrueRange
- BB - BollingerBands
- EMA - ExponentialMovingAverage
- LWMA - LinearlyWeightedMovingAverage
- MACD - MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence
- MFI - MoneyFlowIndex
- OBV - OnBalanceVolume
- RSI - RelativeStrengthIndex
- SMA - SimpleMovingAverage
- SMMA - SmoothedMovingAverage
- SO - StochasticOscillator
- ROC - RateOfChange
- WMA - WeightedMovingAverage
There are two valid options for the format of the incoming msg.payload.
First option is a single array of bars:
msg.payload = [
Second option is an object of tickers that each contain an array of bars as outlined above:
msg.payload = {
Array of Bars
Array of Bars
Options can be left as default or assigned through the configuration panel or passed in as msg.options.
Available options are:
msg.options = {
"ATR": { "periods": 20 },
"BB": { "periods": 20 },
"EMA": { "periods": 12, "emaResultsOnly": false, startWithFirst": false },
"LWMA": { "periods": 20 },
"MACD": { "fastPeriods": 12, "slowPeriods": 26, "signalPeriods": 9 },
"MFI": { "periods": 14 },
"OBV": {},
"RSI": { "periods": 14 },
"SMA": { "periods": 10 },
"SMMA": { "periods": 20 },
"SO": { "periods": 14, "smaPeriods": 3 },
"ROC": { "periods": 14 },
"WMA": { "periods": 14 }
1.1.0 - added ability to change calculation settings in both config and documented in the help the method of doing it in msg.options object
1.0.1 - documentation and cleanup
1.0.0 - initial release
- !!! Add ability to change calculation settings / options
- Include examples
- Create options to customize input data scheme
- ^---(similarly) Create options to connect seamlessly to other data sources (alphavantage, finnhub, polygon, etc)
- Add more indicators that can be calculated from OHCLV bars:
- ---- AD (Accum/Dist)
- ---- WPR (Williams % R)