QR code generator for digibyte
<img class="DigiQR" uri="HTTP://123AB" size="OPTIONAL_SIZE" logo="OPTIONAL_LOGO_VERSION" r="1">
- DigiID logo will automatically be used if uri starts with
- All fields but class are optional
- You can place a 'uri' field or a 'address' field to generate a qr.
- If you use an 'address' field you can add an 'amount' field to request payment
- Will automatically be made clickable
- Library file must be added at end of html to use in this way
Place image tag in your html
<img id="qr">
Set the img src pick one:
- Encode anything into a qr code:
document.getElementById("qr").src = DigiQR.text(VALUE,OPTIONAL_SIZE,OPTIONAL_LOGO_VERSION);
- Encode payment request:
- Encode digibyte address with link to explorer:
document.getElementById("qr").src = DigiQR.explorer(DIGIBYTE_ADDRESS,OPTIONAL_SIZE,OPTIONAL_LOGO_VERSION);
- Encode digibyte address. Can encode private keys also:
document.getElementById("qr").src = DigiQR.address(DIGIBYTE_ADDRESS,OPTIONAL_SIZE,OPTIONAL_LOGO_VERSION);
- Encode digiID uri:
document.getElementById("qr").src = DigiQR.id(URI,OPTIONAL_SIZE,OPTIONAL_LOGO_VERSION);
DIGIBYTE_ADDRESS: (string) containing public address (private key can be used with address)
DIGIBYTE_AMOUNT_REQUESTED: (float) number of digibyte requesting
OPTIONAL_SIZE: defaults to 200 pixels
OPTIONAL_LOGO_VERSION: 0,false,undefined no logo
1,true logo with white box
2 logo with white circle
4 logo with no boarder
5 large logo with white dots
6 large logo with white squares
If you found this helpful please donate: Digibyte: DLExRXZ4oXnEWEpP6bNYG4urNLnDr4jJ2n