provides a backend using Emacs’s native completion-at-point
for the completion of bibtex keys in modes used for prose writing. This backend
activates for citation styles used by pandoc-mode
(@), latex-mode
(\cite{}), and
(cite:@). This package is largely a port of company-bibtex
to Emacs’s
native completion framework. It works particularly well with corfu, which
enhances completion at point with a small completion popup.
to capf-backends
(there is a
minor mode – bibtex-capf-mode
– for easy activation and deactivation
of the capf) using use-package and straight:
(use-package bibtex-capf :straight (:type git :host github :repo "mclear-tools/bibtex-capf") :hook ((org-mode markdown-mode tex-mode latex-mode reftex-mode) . bibtex-capf-mode) :custom (bibtex-capf-bibliography '("path/to/bib/file.bib")))
reads from a bibliography file or files specified in
(setq bibtex-capf-bibliography '("/home/cooluser/thesis/thesis1.bib" "/home/cooluser/thesis/thesi2.bib"))Since this is Emacs, there are other ways to satisfy the user’s need for citation completion at point. Here are two notable ones: