Releases: mceq-project/MCEq
MCEq 1.2.6
What's Changed
- Bugfix/issues 43 by @jncots in #44
- Use detector zenith to check for cached value for IceCube-centered atmosphere by @afedynitch in #46
Full Changelog: release_1_2_5...release_1_2_6
MCEq 1.2.5
The CI builds have been moved to github actions and to cibuildwheel.
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: release_1_2_4...release_1_2_5
MCEq 1.2.4
This update moves the linux binaries to the manylinux2014 image that fixes triggering some source builds for scipy on azure. There are no additional changes to the code since 1.2.2.
MCEq 1.2.3
Binary wheel builds for aarch64 have been added by @odidev.
MCEq 1.2.2
This release adds binary wheels for Python 3.9. The installation via pip install MCEq
should work for most configurations again.
MCEq 1.2.1
This is a minor patch release. The main changes are related to cleaning up the MCEqParticle class and some additional convenience functions.
MCEq version 1.2.0
This is a major update of MCEq with changes to the physics. For the details about these changes, refer to the CHANGELOG and the online documentation.
MCEq version 1.1.2
New ANTARES & KM3NeT atmospheres
MCEq version 1.1.2
Hotfix for release 1.1.1.
MCEq version 1.1.1
Minor maintenance release. No changes to physics expected. See for more details.