This library is a C++ implementation of the TNetString specification. TNetstring details can be found on:
This is a header-only library, make sure the source is in the build path.
- Boost (boost::variant headers)
- GTest (google-test needed to build tests)
To build the tests you need GTest and CMake. Make sure GTest is built and can be found by FindGTest.cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
GTEST_ROOT=/usr/src/gtest/build/ cmake .. -GNinja
If you first have to install GTest, here is an example:
sudo apt install libgtest-dev # equivalent to download source to /usr/src/gtest
cd /usr/src/gtest
sudo mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake .. -GNinja
sudo ninja
Tests can be run bei either:
make test
See test code, Especially tests named Encoder & Decoder.
Typically we have a "Variant", which holds any of the supported TNetString types. We can encode this variant to a stream or decode a stream to variants and remainings.
Supported TNetstring_value types:
- const char*
- int
- std::string
- double
- bool
- TNetstring_list
- TNetstring_dict
While TNetstring_list and TNetstring_dict are std::vector and std::unordered_map of TNetstring_value.
std::ostream os;
TNetstring_value tns_var;
tns_var = 12345; // write int to TNetstring_value
os << tns_var_; // encode to TNetsting stream
std::istream is;
TNetstring_value tns_var;
is >> tns_var_; // decode from TNetstring stream
int foo = boost::get<int>(tns_var); // access int (assuming an integer)
To generate html API documentation use doxygen and the supplied Doxyfile:
This software is licensed under the Boost License, see LICENSE_1_0.txt
I hope this library is useful for you and I am happy to receive any feedback and pull requests.
You can reach me on Github.