is administrative interface builder for laravel which can help you build CRUD backends just with few lines of code.
based on these packages and services:
- Laravel
- AdminLTE
- Bootstrap Markdown
- Datetimepicker
- CodeMirror
- font-awesome
- moment
- Google map
- Tencent map
- bootstrap-fileinput
- jquery-pjax
Inspired by SleepingOwlAdmin and rapyd-laravel.
//laravel 5.1
composer require encore/laravel-admin "1.1.x-dev"
//laravel 5.2
composer require encore/laravel-admin "dev-master"
Add ServiceProvider
to config/app.php
Then run these commands to finish installation:
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan admin:install
Open http://localhost/admin/
in your browser,and use username admin
and password admin
to login.
The install path defaults to app/Admin
Use routes.php
under app/Admin
to manage admin routes.
$router = app('admin.router');
$router->get('/', function() {
return view('admin::index');
'administrators' => AdministratorController::class
Use menu.php
to configure the menus in left sidebar:
return [
'title' => 'Index',
'url' => '/',
'icon' => 'fa-bar-chart'
'title' => 'Administrators',
'url' => '/administrators',
'icon' => 'fa-tasks'
is controller directory where to store admin controllers.
Language strings are stored in files within the lang/
directory, and it will use app.locale
###Create controllers
If you want to create a resource controller with User
model,you can use this command:
php artisan admin:make UserController --model=\\App\\User
It will create UserController.php
under app/Admin/controllers
,add a resource in routes.php
'users' => UserController::class, //add this line
'administrators' => AdministratorController::class
At last add access in menu.php
'title' => 'Users',
'url' => '/users',
'icon' => 'fa-user'
So you can see the users
resource link in the left sidebar menu.
is a data grid builder based on bootstrap table
,in the controller:
return Admin::grid(User::class, function(Grid $grid){
//Use dynamic method.
//or use column() method: $grid->column('name');
//Add mulitiple columns.
$grid->columns('email', 'username' ...);
//Use related column (hasOne relation).
$grid->column('', 'Mobile');
//or use $grid->profile()->mobile('Mobile');
//Use a callback function to display column value.
$grid->column('', 'Mobile')->value(function($mobile) {
return "+86 $mobile";
//Use sortable() method to make the column sortable.
$grid->column('profile.age', 'Age')->sortable();
//Set query conditions: SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE id > 20 ORDER BY updated_at DESC;
$grid->model()->where('id', '>', '20')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc');
//Set 15 items per-page.
//Set actions (show,edit,delete).
//Add row callback function.
if($row->id <= 10) {
//Add data grid filters.
// sql: ... WHERE `` LIKE "%$name%";
$filter->like('name', 'name');
// sql: ... WHERE `` = $email;
$filter->is('emial', 'Email');
// sql: ... WHERE `user.created_at` BETWEEN $start AND $end;
$filter->between('created_at', 'Created Time')->datetime();
is a data form builder, in your controller:
return Admin::form(User::class, function(Form $form){
// $form->field(columnName [, columnName ], labelName = '');
$form->display('id', 'ID');
//Related column (hasOne relation).
$form->url('profile.homepage', 'Home page');
$form->ip('last_login_ip', 'Last login ip');
$form->datetime('last_login_at', 'Last login time');
//All fields can set a default value.
$form->color('color', 'Color')->default('#a34af4');
//Code editor based on code mirror see
$form->image('avatar')/*->size(300, 300)*/;
$form->mobile('mobile')->format('999 9999 9999');
$form->radio('gender')->values(['m' => 'Female', 'f'=> 'Male'])->default('m');
//Use Google map or Tencent map.
$form->map('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position');
//Options see
$form->slider('age', 'Age')->options(['max' => 50, 'min' => 20, 'step' => 1, 'postfix' => 'years old']);
$form->display('created_at', 'Create time');
$form->display('updated_at', 'Update time');
$form->datetimeRange('created_at', 'profile.updated_at', 'Time line');
//Belongs to many relation.
$form->multipleSelect('friends')->options(User::all()->lists('name', 'id'));
//Belongs to many relation.
$form->checkbox('roles')->values(Role::all()->lists('display_name', 'id'));
$form->switch('open')->states(['on' => 1, 'off' => 0]);
//Has many relation, show as a list.
$form->hasMany('comments', function(Grid $grid) {
// Set resource path for items.
return User::find($authorId)->name;
$grid->content()->value(function($content) {
return mb_strimwidth($content, 0, 40, '...');
// Add saving callback function.
$form->saving(function(Form $form) {
if($form->password && $form->model()->password != $form->password)
$form->password = bcrypt($form->password);