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Fast, simple Odoo RPC package with sync and async functions to pilot Odoo's jsonrpc API. Check aio-odoorpc for a higher-level, friendlier interface.


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Base functions to pilot Odoo's jsonrpc API (aio-odoorpc-base)


This python package implements a complete set of methods to access
Odoo's external API (using jsonrpc rather than xmlrpc).

It offers an almost-exact mirror of Odoo's external API, even parameter names are the same. It is 'almost-exact' because 'execute' is skipped in favor of 'execute_kw' only and the API methods from the 'db' service: 'list', 'drop', 'dump', 'rename', 'restore' are here implemented with names 'list_databases', 'drop_database', 'dump_database', 'rename_database' and 'restore_database' respectively.

The 'documentation' offered by this package is mostly in the form of proper type annotations so that you have a better idea of what kind of data each API method expects. Other than that, developers are recommended to go study Odoo's external API by reading the source code at ( The three API services 'object', 'common' and 'db' are implemented there in files, and respectively. On each of these python files, a 'dispatch' method is implemented for the service in question. The methods available on the external service api are usually those prefixed with 'exp_' in the method name, with the exception of the 'object' service which only exposes 'execute' and 'execute_kw'.

All functions offered by this package are available in both async and sync versions.

Available API RPC Methods:

1. 'Common' API RPC Methods

check server-side implementation of these functions here:

  • about(http_client, url, *, extended) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], str]
    async def about(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, extended: bool) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], str]
    Tuple is returned only if extended is True

  • authenticate(http_client, url, *, db, login, password, user_agent_env)

    async def authenticate(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, db: str, login: str, password: str, user_agent_env: Mapping) -> Union[int, Literal[False]]

    The method login should be preferred over authenticate.

    Authenticate takes a user_agent_env dict. In the core implementation of the res_users model (, the authenticate method only looks for the key base_location and, if you are authenticating with a system user and if the parameter 'web.base.url.freeze' in 'ir.config_parameter' if not True, this method will set 'web.base.url' to the value passed in user_agent_env['base_location']. If you do not understand all implications of changing 'web.base.url', and if you do not have a good reason to change 'web.base.url', you should not use this method and rely on 'login' instead. If user is not system user or if user_agent_env does not contain the 'base_location' key, a call to this method will only return the uid, just like 'login' does.

  • login(http_client, url, *, db, login, password)

    async def login(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, db: str, login: str, password: str) -> Union[int, Literal[False]])

    The login call is really only a lookup of the user_id (an int) of a user given a database name, username and password. If you are using this RPC client over and over in your code, maybe even calling from a stateless cloud service, you should consider finding out the user id (uid) once and save it to avoid having to perform this one additional RPC call.

    The uid mentioned above is not a session-like id. It is really only the database id of the user and it never expires (the user could have its database id changed, which would be rare). There is really no login or session initiation step required to access Odoo's external API if you know the uid and password from the beginning;

  • version(http_client, url)
    async def version(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '') -> str

    Version is returned as a string (e.g. '14.0')

2. 'DB' API RPC Methods

check server-side implementation of these functions here:

The following 'DB' RPC methods do not require user credentials to be called.
Consider them 'public' methods.

  • db_exist(http_client, url, db_name)
    async def db_exist(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, db_name: str) -> bool

  • list_countries
    async def list_countries(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '') -> List[str]

  • list_databases(http_client, url, *, document)
    async def list_databases(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, document: bool = False) -> List[str]

  • list_lang(http_client, url)
    async def list_lang(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '') -> List[str]

  • server_version(http_client, url)
    async def server_version(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '') -> str

The 'DB' methods below may have been disabled by the system admin.

The list_db configuration option controls whether they are enabled or disabled.

  • change_admin_password(http_client, url, *_, admin_password, new_password)
    async def change_admin_password(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *args, admin_password: str, new_password: str) -> bool

  • drop_database(http_client, url, *, admin_password, db_name)
    async def drop_database(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, admin_password: str, db_name: str) -> bool

  • dump_database(http_client, url, *, admin_password, db_name, format)
    async def dump_database(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, admin_password: str, db_name: str, format: str = "zip") -> bytes:
    format can be 'zip' or any other value. If 'zip', the zipped file will also include the filestore, a manifest.json and the dump.sql. If format is any other value, you get raw dump.sql only

  • migrate_databases

  • rename_database

  • restore_database

  • create_database(http_client, url, admin_password, db_name, demo, lang, user_password, login, country_code, phone)
    async def create_database(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, admin_password: str, db_name: str, demo: bool, lang: str, user_password: str = 'admin', login: str = 'admin', country_code: str = None, phone: str = None) -> bool

  • duplicate_database

3. 'Object' API RPC Methods

check server-side implementation of these functions here:

  • execute_kw(http_client, url, *, db, uid, password, obj, method, args, kwargs)
    async def execute_kw(http_client: T_AsyncHttpClient, url: str = '', *, db: str, uid: int, password: str, obj: str, method: str, args: list, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None) -> Union[bool, dict, int, List[dict], List[int]]

All methods take as first 2 parameters:

  • http_client: a callable or an instance of a compatible http_client (it must implement a 'post' method that accepts a 'url' and a 'json' parameter. Packages 'requests', 'httpx' and 'aiohttp' are known to be compatible). If http_client is a callable, it will be called with a dict as the post payload and must return a response object with a '.json()' method that may be synchronous or asynchronous (when using the async functions). It must return a dict-like object representing the reponse.

  • url: the complete URL of your Odoo's jsonrpc endpoint. Usually something like '' or ''.

Remaining parameters on each method are those expected by Odoo's external API, with identical names as you will find on Odoo's source code. The method 'jsonrpc' is the low-level method in this package that actually does all the HTTP calls for all implemented methods.

By default, when you issue 'from aio_odoorpc_base import ...' you will be importing the async methods. If you want the sync methods you must import from 'aio_odoorpc_base.sync'. You may also use 'aio_odoorpc_base.aio' if you prefer to be explicit on whether you are importing sync or async code.

Also check aio-odoorpc: a higher-level API

In practice, you may notice that 99% of the time your calls to Odoo's RPC API go through the 'execute_kw' or 'execute' method which is what allows you to deal with Odoo's models, reading and writing actual business data via the model methods 'search', 'read', 'search_read', 'search_count', 'write', 'create', etc. While this package only offers you a bare 'execute_kw' method, the higher-level package 'aio-odoorpc' expands over this one adding easier to use objects and methods (such as 'search', 'read', 'search_read', 'search_count', 'write', 'create', etc).

In other words, while this package is focused on mirring what is available on Odoo's external API in the simplest way, the package 'aio-odoorpc' is focused on offering a user-friendly interface to your Odoo instance, including dedicated methods to access Odoo's model API which is probably what you will be using most.

No dependencies:

No dependency is not a promise, just a preference. It may change in the future, but only if for very good reason.

While it would be easier if this package shipped with a specific http client dependency, it should be noted that having the possibility to reuse HTTP sessions is a great opportunity to improve the speed of your running code. Also, it is possible that your project is already using some http client library and here you have the opportunity to reuse it.

Note that you must use an async http client library when using the async functions.

Python HTTP Client packages known to be compatible:

  • sync-only: 'requests'
  • async-only: 'aiohttp'
  • sync and async: 'httpx'


The package 'odoorpc' is the most used and better maintained package to let you easily consume Odoo's external API. It has lots of functionality, good documentation, a large user base and was developed by people that are very experienced with Odoo in general and big contributors to the Odoo Community. In other words, if you are taking your first steps you should probably start with odoorpc.

However, for my needs, once I was developing Odoo integrations that needed to make hundreds of calls to the Odoo API to complete a job, I began to sorely miss an async interface as well as more control over the HTTP client used (I wished for HTTP2 support and connection polling/reuse).

Also, as I understood Odoo's external API, it started to sound like 'odoorpc' was too big for a task too simple. For instance, most of the time (like 99% of the time), you will be calling to a single jsonrpc method called 'execute_kw'. It is the same call over and over just changing the payload which itself is a simple json. THe package 'odoorpc' may be too heavy, a layer too thick if you do serious Odoo RPC processing and need to optimize your code.

So I decided to develop a new package myself, made it async-first and tryed to keep it as simple as possible. Also, I decided to split it in two, a very simple base package (this one) with only methods that mirror those in Odoo's external API and another one 'aio-odoorpc' that adds another layer to implement Odoo's model methods like 'search', 'search_read', 'read', etc. as well as an object model to instantiate a class once and then make simple method invocation with few parameters to access what you need.

Useful tips about Odoo's external API:

  • The 'login' call is really only a lookup of the user_id (an int) of a user given a database name, user/login name and password. If you are using this RPC client over and over in your code, maybe even calling from a stateless cloud service, you should consider finding out the user id (uid) of the user and pass the uid instead of the username to the constructor of AsyncOdooRPC. This way, you do not need to call the login() RPC method to retrieve the uid, saving a RPC call;

  • The uid mentioned above is not a session-like id. It is really only the database id of the user and it never expires. There is really no 'login' or 'session initiation' step required to access Odoo's external API if you know the uid from the beginning;

Other things to know about this module:

  • It ships will a good suite of tests that run against an Odoo runbot instance;

  • Asyncio is a python3 thing, so no python2 support;

  • Type hints are used everywhere;

  • This package uses jsonrpc only (no xmlrpc). There is a lack of async xmlrpc tooling and jsonrpc is considered the best RPC protocol in Odoo (faster, more widely used);

  • The synchronous version of the code is generated automatically from the asynchronous code, so at least for now the effort to maintain both is minimal.

  • I am willing to take patches and to add other contributors to this project. Feel free to get in touch, the github page is the best place to interact with the project and the project's author;

  • I only develop and run code in Linux environments, if you find a bug under other OS I am happy to take patches but I will not myself spend time looking into these eventual bugs;


Ok, so let's start with some examples. I will omit the event_loop logic, I assume that if you want to use an async module you already have that sorted out yourself or through a framework like FastAPI.

All examples below could also be called using the synchronous OdooRPC object, but without the 'await' syntax.

I recommend that you check the tests folder for many more examples. Also, the codebase is short, do refer to it as well.

from aio_odoorpc_base.aio import login, execute_kw 
from aio_odoorpc_base.helpers import execute_kwargs
import httpx

url = ''

async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
    uid = await login(http_client=client, url=url, db='acme', login='demo', password='demo')
    kwargs = execute_kwargs(fields=['partner_id', 'date_order', 'amount_total'],
                            limit=1000, offset=0, order='amount_total DESC')
    data = await execute_kw(http_client=client,


Fast, simple Odoo RPC package with sync and async functions to pilot Odoo's jsonrpc API. Check aio-odoorpc for a higher-level, friendlier interface.







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