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Reduction Reference

maxperry edited this page Mar 3, 2017 · 5 revisions

Below is a list of all functions that are part of the reduction module, grouped by filename.

  • - preprocessing functions.

    • choose_calib - calibration images visualization and selection.
    • choose_science - display science images for verification by user.
    • mkmaster - make master calibration frames (bias, dark, flat).
  • - automated pipeline script.

  • - reduction processing steps.

  • - reduction processing dependencies.

    • pipeprepare - Normalize header keywords in FITS files.
    • flatpipeproc - Check if flat is same size as data, then divide for correct filter.
    • skypipecombine - Create sigma clipped median sky flat.
    • skypipeproc - Subtract sky flat from data, then subtract median of that from remaining data.
    • cosmiczap - Remove cosmic rays using Laplacian cosmic ray identification written in
    • astrometry - Run sextractor and scamp to refine astrometric solution.
    • findsexobj - Find sextractor objects with optional inputs. Estimates seeing from stars found.
    • calc_zpt - Find zeropoint using robust scatter.
    • robust_scat - Calculate robust scatter and set the weight of those above this limit to 0.
    • medclip - Median iterative sigma-clipping.
    • medclip2d - Median iterative sigma-clipping over 2d array.
    • identify_matches - Use a kd-tree (3d) to match two lists of stars, using full spherical coordinate distances.