package |
- Free software: MIT license
Together with the autoCorrection package you will get
'tensorflow', 'keras', 'numpy', 'kopt', 'scipy', 'h5py', 'sklearn', 'pandas', 'statsmodels', 'pytest'
packages automatically installed, if not present.
If you don't wannt to install these packages globally, please use virtual environment.
If you have problems with virtualenv, installing using conda may help:
(Installation of conda:
Make sure you are using python 3.
conda create -n mypyth3 python=3.6
source activate mypyth3
conda install virtualenv
activate new environment in active python 3 environment:
virtualenv env-with-autoCorrection
source env-with-autoCorrection/bin/activate
Check if you are still using python 3:
python --version
pip install autoCorrection
#in python: python import autoCorrection import numpy as np counts = np.random.negative_binomial(n = 20, p=0.2, size = (10,8)) sf = np.ones((10,8)) corrector = autoCorrection.correctors.AECorrector() c = corrector.correct(counts = counts, size_factors = sf) #in R: library(reticulate) autoCorrection <- import("autoCorrection") corrected <- autoCorrection$correctors$AECorrector(model_name, model_directory)$correct(COUNTS, SIZE_FACTORS, only_predict=FALSE)