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v1.0.0-beta | Back and Better Than Ever!

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@mattxwang mattxwang released this 12 Mar 04:17
· 54 commits to master since this release

Hey there,

I'm excited to present to you the beta for Fair Chair version 1! It's been more than a full year since I came up with the idea for this application, and finally, I think it's close enough to what I originally wanted it to be. I'll be continually working on the app until OMUN III, which is its first public trial!

As a note, I'll only release an OSX distribution for this beta, as I haven't set up Continuous Integration to publish Linux and Windows versions. I'll figure that out by release time!

Note: Mac users might be unable to use the app because it is from an "unidentified developer". I promise there are no viruses in the code, and if you go to System Preferences and enable apps from unidentified developers it should work!

Here's a changelog of what I've done since the previous version (v0.2.1):


  • Rewrote the entire app using Angular 5, Electron Forge, and Materia
  • Restructured page layout to Home, Lists, Guide, and Settings
    • Added "guide" page, which functions as a mini-handbook/manual
  • Changed List layout to have more visual space for important content
  • Refactored delegate list and timer code
  • Stores List view information in Electron's localStorage - allows for the saving of "lists"
  • Allows for exporting and importing of JSON savefiles through the Settings page
  • Now has a website!