My dot files for ZSH, Bash and Vim.
git clone ~/.dotfiles
bash ~/.dotfiles/
Certain plugins need Lua and Python to work in vim. Here's the easiest way to get those installed:
sudo apt-get install vim-nox
brew install vim --with-cscope --with-python --with-lua --override-system-vim luarocks
Tool | Purpose | Install (MacOS) | Install Linux (Debian mainly) |
jq | json processor | brew |
apt-get |
bat | pretty prints code | brew |
? |
fzf | fuzzy find a file | brew |
? |
git | version control | brew |
apt-get |
htop | a pretty top | brew |
apt-get |
noti | notify when a cmd is done | brew |
? |
tmux | terminal mutliplexer | brew |
apt-get |
wget | get things off the web | brew |
apt-get |
ipython | fancy python repl | brew |
pip install ipython==5 |
ripgrep | faster grep | brew |
apt-get |
virtualenv | manage python environments | pip |
pip |
diff-so-fancy | fancy git diff's | brew |
npm |
Tool | Purpose |
z | quick jump to directories |
mac-ssh-proxy | ssh tunnel your traffic |