An iOS UIView subclass to manage collapsing and expanding of a header view. Subviews of the header are configured to transform to any collapsed layout. The header works with any UIScrollView, and transforms views as the user scrolls through content.
- Autolayout (constraints are relied on to transform subviews)
- Supports iOS 7+
With CocoaPods:
pod 'MGCollapsingHeader'
Or simply copy the MGCollapsingHeader/
folder into your project.
To use the collapsible header, you must first setup your UIViewController
with a header view. Simply set the class of this view to MGCollapsingHeaderView
and then you can configure how to transform the header. The view collapses to a size of 60 px by default, but can be set:
[self.headerView setMinimumHeaderHeight:100.]
You can then provide a vertical constraint (or constraints) to collapse, whether it be the header's top, bottom, or height.
[self.headerView setCollapsingConstraint:_headerHeight]
// or
[self.headerView setCollapsingConstraint:_tableViewTop];
Next, add any views to transform with the header as it collapses:
[MGTransform transformAttribute:byValue:]
Adds a view that transforms by some value as the user scrolls. An array ofMGTransformAttribute
must be provided to describe the transformation. See Attributes for what is supported.[MGTransform addFadingSubview:fadeBy:]
Adds a view that fades as the user scrolls.
Examples (from the demo):
[self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.button1 fadeBy:0.3];
[self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.button2 fadeBy:0.3];
[self.headerView addFadingSubview:self.button3 fadeBy:0.3];
NSArray *attrs;
double r = 16.0;
attrs = @[
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeX byValue:-r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeY byValue:-r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeWidth byValue:2 * r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeHeight byValue:2 * r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeCornerRadius byValue:r],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeFontSize byValue:12.0]
[self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.button4 attributes:attrs];
// Push this button closer to the bottom-right corner since the header view's height
// is resizing.
attrs = @[
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeX byValue:10.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeY byValue:13.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeWidth byValue:-32.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeHeight byValue:-32.0]
[self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.button5 attributes:attrs];
attrs = @[
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeY byValue:-30.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeWidth byValue:-30.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeHeight byValue:-20.0],
[MGTransform transformAttribute:MGAttributeFontSize byValue:-10.]
[self.headerView addTransformingSubview:self.label attributes:attrs];
Lastly, tell the header view to collapse in the scrollViewDidScroll
delegate call.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
[self.headerView collapseWithScroll:scrollView];
Attributes are used to describe a subview at the end of collapsing. The following are currently available:
The view's attributes will be (linearly) animated to from their default values.
- Transformation curve functions (EaseIn, EaseOut, EaseInOut)